Suspended license question

Yeah I’m a dumb ass and forgot to mail in a stupid $25 ticket. I just got home and check my mail to find a letter from the Pembroke Town Court saying it’s suspended until the $25 is paid (which I’ll do before work tomorrow). Question is, do I have to pay an extra fine to the DMV or anything? I’ve never had my license suspended before so I have no idea. I have a clean license (0 points).

me = :bloated: … but at least I can admit it lol.

yep, its 30 or 35(memory is stupid) to get your license unsuspended

They usually send you a warning before they actually suspend it…

yeah they never sent a warning… just a letter saying “blah blah blah give us money blah blah your license is suspended blah blah”

35 dollar scofflaw suspension fee.

but thats after its already suspended and they send you a letter saying so about a month before it happens.

Not always. I had 12 pnts on my license once and was auto suspended. Nobody ever told me. I didnt find out until a year and a half later I tried to switch insurance companies and they ran a check. I had even been pulled over and they ran my license without issue during that period!

Word for word what it says in the letter…

Your payment on the above mentioned case has not been recieved by this court. We have submitted an order to the Department of Motor Vehicles to suspend your driver’s license or privilages pursuant to section 510-4a of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law.

ugh this is a warning it hasnt gone through yet, you know what works good? CALL THE COURT

pay within a month or so and you wont have to pay the fee

Some free advice, keep a copy of what ever paperwork you get from the court saying it has been “unsuspended” with you for the next 2-3 years. With your luck it’s almost a certainty that you will be pulled over in that time and the DMV will have “lost” the proof that it was paid.

yeah I always keep important shit like that in my glove … pouch lol. (3rd gens dont have a “box”, more of a flap). So you’re saying its NOT suspended as of right now?

It also says

The only way to protect your driving privilage is to pay your fine immediately.

That means it’s not suspended it’s a warning, pay the damn fine.

I think I am missing something here- what the hell kind of ticket did you get that was only $25? I’ve never gotten a parking ticket that low, hell I was just pulled over for a rear brake light not working and that ticket was a $100 if I didn’t fix it.

What the fuck?!

it was for an uninspected vehicle that got lowballed to a parking ticket and $25 fine. :wink:

okay… but you didnt have to pay the ticket if you got it fixed and thats a saftey hazard anyways.

my dad got a parking ticket on a plate that someone stole from his trailor and he reported it as stolen 2 years ago and the dmv or w/e sent him a notice saying he was going to have his license suspended and go to court if he didnt pay it lol

I avoided gettin bent over by the court by putting the TA back on the road lol. I have to do some work to the truck before it will pass inspection.