bad mail again....

i should just stop opening the mail lol yesterday was jury duty, today is a notice from the village of depew that my license is being suspended a month from today… so now what do i do with this, just go to the court and ask them what i owe?

i knew i shouldn’t have called and asked the dmv the status of my license last month. i bet they got curious as to why i called and looked into it… that or its just a coincidence. the ticket is from 6/19/04 for no front plate and “modified” exhaust


Sorry, I had to :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats nothing to worry about,everyone gets those.

so what do i do? just call them and be like how much do i owe? cause i never even went to court or anything for it

call them…ask what the fine is

Lawyer time.

Just tell the world you’re not going to put the Seven on the road and all your luck will change. :smiley:


call them and pay the fine. It’ll just keep getting worse if you dont take care of it

lol of course they are closed on weekends…

ohhh jay… :frowning:

ohhh :gay2:… :frowning:



You don’t need a lawyer for that. If you go and visit the court, as them what is outstanding on your liscense, then just pay it and they will lift the ban. Happened to me in a Buffalo Court.

i didn’t even know you had a car? :gotme:

:stuck_out_tongue: i keed…

I did the same thing in depew…got the notice…called the court, they gave me the $ amt. due. I paid it one day before my license would be gone. All done. And Jesus Jay, you could have saved a dollar a day and paid these things several times over!

ok so now my question is…

if it says it will be suspended on 4/24… if i get pulled over from now until then, what happens? is it just like normal, or is there somthing thats gonna come up on their computer and i’ll get fucked even more?

basically what i’m asking is do i HAVE to pay this on monday to avoid any problems, or can i wait until my next paycheck without causing any more problems lol

This same thing happened to me they gave me a date it would be suspended on…I went and paid it a week before that date…I go there and they told me they had already suspended it :lol:

I paid the fines and all is well…

they can do that for a ticket from 2 years ago?