Sutters on wednesday?

I know people used to go and what not.
But does anyone still go?

Me and my GF havent missed a wednesday since october (besides christmas and newyears) we usally go around 7-730ishhh.

25 cent wings for those who did know.

give me another month and hopefully i’ll lose 11lbs then i’ll join ya!

if anything you lose wieght from taking a large shit that night. Proves effective for me :slight_smile: i usually goto the gym on wedesdays so work that shit off.

and :wtf. we weigh the same with in a 1-5 lb difference. i dont wanna hear it. :lol

haha how much you weigh? i gotta get down to 200 by the summer and im 241 right now

im 234, as of right now this second. was 242 last week :smiley:

nice yea i just stepped on the scale and it said 239.8…i think the last time i weighed that much was the summer before 9th grade like 7 years ago lol

we started making our own wings and they are eleventy billion times better.

Whoa I wouldnt go that far…Murry cooks them

I’m only working til 4:15, remind me and I’ll shoot down Jeff.

I’m there every night I’m back home to visit… usually.

if anyones going toinght, lemme know i have 8 people besides myself going.

I might go since I’m so close and my neighbor owns it. No drinking though lol.

tall bald guy? i forgot his name…

Henry Klein

so should i report to your house after work today for wings? :excited

haha actually, elliots house for wings tonight