Suzuki Reno: GONE!

What turned you on to a Prius? My brother is debating between that and a new Rabbit…

city mileage, reliability, resale value.

then i got there and saw how comfortable it was, and how great the stereo was. if you aren’t worried about going quickly, it’s a really nice car.

having said that, it’s two seconds slower in the quarter-mile than MY CAR, and my car is turd slow.

hey man…as long as u like it, thats all that really matters

geez… talk about losing your ass but i guess whatever works for you


hahahahahah i’ve lost all respect for him now!!!
unless he goes with the rabbit, those are sweet.

It’s cool…Rabbit ftw!!!

$258…OUCH… my aunt has a reno & her payment was WAY less then that.

but $450-500 per for a prius would suck too.

doesn’t shaler deliver pizza or something like that… the prius wil help that out…but its also wierd that a pizza delivery driver has a 26K car :dunno:

how come you went with the prius over the civic, altima, camry they are all in the same ballpark…low-mid 20’s
because of the better mileage with the prius?

because he’s an environment loving hippie who thinks hybrids are the answer to global warming.

with a shade of homosexuality.

my qestion was why he went with that hybrid over the others hybrids i listed

civic hybrid
camry hybrid
altima hybrid

all 3 of them & the prius are low-mid 20K cars…but the prius get the best milage out of the 4 but also is the most feminine :tounge: …so was just curious to his decision.



A buddy of mine has an 06 Jetta TDI manual. He told me that he thought they only came in manuals, but he didn’t care since that is what he wanted.

No money down and financed over 4 years I think he is paying somewhere around $470

they make autos… i think it’s an upgrade package to get it though…

nice cars… if i liked jetta’s i would of bought one already.

Aren’t they totally re-doing the Pee-us in like one model year? I would avoid buying a car at the end of it’s model-run, it’d sucks to spend that kinda $ and have the outdated model in one year. Besides all that forget a Pee-us. They are they most ill-handling, slow, ugly cars on the road. Find a 2-Door TDI Golf. You could actually make that quick (compared to your usual shit boxes) and handle very well. It’d be fun and not totally homo… though that latter point might weigh against it for you.


they put the DSG Tranny in the Jetta TDi’s. It actually gets as good of gas mileage as the manual, and in some cases better.

I saw a c6 corvette with a pizza delivery little plastic emblem for pizza hut a few weeks ago.

I had a tough time explaining in my mind why a guy delivering pizzas would have a c6.

maybe it was a joke