SW MR2 vs R33

Amyone know what show or movie this clip is from ? it looks like some low buget japanese tv show or something…

thats so cool! I think its a movie or series

repost, but still a good vid none the less

it is like Mark Vs. phil

I like how the lead car always goes wide in the corners so the other guy can pass. Also, that must be the slowest race I’ve ever seen, do they even hit 60?

I borrowed the vid from my friend a while back. I’ll get you the name as soon as I find out.


Apparently SHUTO KOUSOKU MAX is the title and it was the last in the series of SHUTO KOUSOKU Trials.

Shuto Kousoku Trial (1988)
Shuto Kousoku Trial 2 (1990)
Shuto Kousoku Trial 3 (1990)
Shuto Kousoku Trial 4 (1991)
Shuto Kousoku Trial 5: Final Battle (1992)
Shuto Kousoku Trial Max (1996)

thats awesome.