Sweet tiny baby jesus why

copied me, you Bitch.


i just hope you got the right offset, son. you need like +25mm or so. put some soles on those shoes and get em on!

I hope they fit too, cause atleast one of the wheels on it now is severly out of round or something. Wobbles like crazy…

Those are those Hdepot stickies.Had a tenant put them down then try to charge me for them when they left.Idiots.

because you live with Jam you’d think this was old hat by now :stuck_out_tongue:

because it’s the most balla shit you can do. he just bought them the other day…i’m surprised it took this long for you to find him like that.

Yeah, i figured it would happen sooner or later, my suspicion was aroused when he came into my room asking for a chain or some rope…

i suppose that would kind of give it away.

oh jam<3

p.s. nice thread title…oh ricky bobby

because joseph is the crazy kind.

and that kitchen does look mighty clean. except for those dishes in the sink… get to it!

Bet the bathroom is nasty… :wink:

:funny: hey now!