Sweet tiny baby jesus why

Do I have to wake up to shit like this in the morning…

just make sure he doesn’t make a mess.

no 26 no care

Big Jam the Medalion Man.

And that shit ain’t blingin’ son.

I sedated him with a crunk juice

whats wrong with waking up to a clean APT?

geeeze how many drugs is he on?

including the crunk juice, 9.5.

endust only counts as half.

he needs to wash his pants to…


Because You moved in there.


Why is it always my fault :frowning:

HAHAHAH, priceless…

Would have been better with an 18x9.5 wheel with a 215/30/18 size tire in true V-dub fashion…

<3 the clean apartment.

it gets me through my day.

Kind of looks like Screetch.

How much you snag them for nugga?

sweet 8lbs 5 ounce baby jesus

he is just excited becuase he was up all night driftin

Im gonna come at you like a spider monkey…

Is that floor real green marble?

