I was planning on just sitting back and enjoying this thread, but there is so much ignorance and bashing going on I figured I would throw in my 2 cents.

As I have lived in Syracuse, Rochester, and now Buffalo I feel I may be more enlightened in the scenes than most (Although I my involvement since I moved to Buffalo is pretty much limited to reading on this forum during lunch breaks) as I assume many may be basing their opinions on what they see online. I have noticed that a lot of the Buffalo guy do come off as elitists with some of the comments that are made. When I lived in Syracuse, the car scene may have been at its prime. On any given weekend night, you could head to Erie Blvd. and it would be littered with people cruising up and down the strip. I spent most of my teenage years admiring both import and domestics. Back then there were a lot of very quick cars out and about. Local law enforcement began to crack down on the blvd. right before I moved to Rochester for college. From what I could see, it hasnt really been the same since then. Where else do people meet up now besides the Dunkin Donuts near Carrier Circle? The last few times I passed through there, it did seem like the ricers took over, as wings, body kits, and strobe lights were everywhere. What I am trying to say is, I am sure there are still some quick cars in the area, and if you are looking for a good race you can find it. It goes without saying that many of the fastest cars in Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo probably do not belong to any of these forums.

Its safe to say I do not personally know any of the people in this discussion, nor do I know what most of you drive so I have no clue what you base your arguments on but until some of you make the trip to Syracuse, or vice versa, lets keep the trash talking to a minimum. This may be difficult, as winter is upon us and therefore Bench Racing season is just beginning.

End Rant.