since when did i say u had to listen to me? i dont know everything, nor do u. i see u are just trying to make a stupid arguement out of almost anything i say. someone said i had no right to give advice, i gave reason why i did , then u come out and try to say that i think i m a know-it-all? wow dood, get your head out of your ass. what does your car run? i know what mine does. where do u get mid 13s anyway? o, just pulling stuff out of your ass. and as for my grammar. who gives a fuck, its a god damn forum, not a school essay. grow the fuck up. if its understandable, great. if not, who gives a flying fuck. there is a shit load of people on this forum with worse grammar than me. why should i sit here and be careful to check to see if i capitalized at the beginning of every sentence, or if i put a period or coma where they should? this petty forum-fight isnt worth it.