We tend to like people better when they have something of value to add, such as correct technical advice.

well then i will be more then happy to visit that section and see if i can give some experienced advice.

I doubt that many of you can give decent technical advice, well maybe how when something is going on sale at pepboys, but looking at your “install” of another SOHC into your akord, I wouldn’t really listen to what you had to say

wrong guy fuktard, i dont own a honda, i own a turbo dsm. sry never worked at your favorite parts shop either. i have been in the custom autobody and paint business for at least ten years, graduated from wyotech in blairsville about 5 years ago, been painting cars and bikes and doing all sorts of parts and metal fab since i was an early teen. ive been track racing, street racing, and scca soloII since i had a license. i think u could say i have my fare share of advice to offer. its your choice to take it or not.

we do not call people fuktards in the army of god.

Cool. :tup: I know who to ask for advice if I need to do any paint/fab type work.

Your username makes me hungry. It’s supposed to get real nasty and cold tomorrow… That’s it! I’m making beef stew tonight. Not going to eat it tonight though. That shit’s gotta simmer in the crock pot for at least 18 hours.

looks like you have joind for the same reason so dont give me shit about it. was posted on a forum im on everyday and i thought it was funny. then people like you come on and make a big deal about everything and make it more amusing so i decided to stick around.

doesnt everyone on the net graduate from wyotech, spend 10 + years in the custom work aftermarket? oh ya, everyone races in the winter too. im not sayin people wont belive you but maybe you should post some work or something.

not that i would have to prove anything to someone like u but i will be glad to post my diplomas and some pics of work i have done just for u sweety. u want my whole curriculum too? unfortuanelty, most of the pics i have taken were from a disposable camera so i will have to get my scanner werkin. or just next time u are in syracuse i will show u my porfolio. Or if u dont wanna travel here ask yer boyfriend alex to ask my buddy pat who is on the v8smokers forums who i am, what i do,etc…

a was racing last night… i believe its winter

i was doing quite well too :gotme: car was sticking better than usual


Maybe if your posts had an ounce of grammar, we’d actually listen.

Probably not :lol:


oh and sorry mr wyotech, I mean you went there, so you know everything about anything, correct. I guess I should listen to you at all times now. I mean you do drive the Eagle Talon TURBLO, it is such a rare car, and no one knows how to make any power out of it. Shit with all your knowledge you must be what, deep into the 13’s, shit I only wish I could cut a 13.6, I mean that is deep into the 13’s right?? God I just don’t know anything compared to you, I mean in yoru infinate wisdom, what is fast, like a 13.2, I just dont think I can ever imagine going that fast.

I don’t remember him saying his car was fast nor do i remember him saying anything about owning an eagle talon.

Word, but your no bench racing expert are you now.

Wow aren’t you a baller now. I think its funny that you follow us all over the internet. I see you’re totally in love with us. You even followed danno over to his accord site. What a loser. Go stalk someone else. You seem to talk the most trash so where’s your truck? Since you’re a minitrucker. Doesn’t that just mean that you couldn’t afford a full size? Quit humping our legs all over the internet. :gay:

only if your car is black or dark grey, it has to be boosted (but not stock boosted) and in buffalo, and run at least a 13.5 in the 1/4.

oh, and you cant be a total doosh…so no you cant be in it.

(focusinprogress cant spell)


i dont follow you guys anywhere, this was posted on another forum i am on so i came here to check it out since i have never heard of this site. i was asked by somone else to post the honda thing since they didnt feel like signing up. its funny you are so pissed when i try to give you a compliment about feeding your friends. you are right, i am a minitrucker and proud of it, and no it doesnt mean i couldnt afford a fulsize. if i had a need for a full size i would have bought one.

since you wanted pics here ya go.

he’s one of the most knowledgable body guy’s i know, helped me with my body work. and i know for a fact that he went to wyotech, and he’s damn good at what he does

whether i feel like doing an install clean, or whether i need to do it fast(engine pulled, accessories, tranny, clutch, flywheel all transfered to new block, and installed in under 8 hours), I assure you I know what i’m talking about. the h22 will be going in over the winter, and I do everything myself. I’ve built that car from the ground up, doing all the body work, the new engine, the suspension, tires, everything. I know it’s nothing special, but its mine, and i have the satisfaction of knowing i did it myself.

oh, and yea i have never given technical advice on this forum…

thats cool then, but there are alot of people on the forums they say they are something that they are not. i just figured if he is who he says he was he would be able to prove it. got rice wants to know where my truck is, there it is, no need to BS about it.

since when did i say u had to listen to me? i dont know everything, nor do u. i see u are just trying to make a stupid arguement out of almost anything i say. someone said i had no right to give advice, i gave reason why i did , then u come out and try to say that i think i m a know-it-all? wow dood, get your head out of your ass. what does your car run? i know what mine does. where do u get mid 13s anyway? o, just pulling stuff out of your ass. and as for my grammar. who gives a fuck, its a god damn forum, not a school essay. grow the fuck up. if its understandable, great. if not, who gives a flying fuck. there is a shit load of people on this forum with worse grammar than me. why should i sit here and be careful to check to see if i capitalized at the beginning of every sentence, or if i put a period or coma where they should? this petty forum-fight isnt worth it.