this just gets better and better. found this post on another forum. thought it was funny.

i dont know, not everyone can have a george forman in the trunk

Bad link dumbass

I keep reading this thread thinking it will get cool… C’mon, I need a good old fashioned flame war to entertain me at work. Someone say something offensive. Someone retaliate. Someone say something witty. Repeat. It’s not that hard!

you smell and you like playing the pickle game

all i know is we all were well fed in carlisle, and didn’t spend ridiculous amounts of money on the food at the fairgrounds :fyi:

:rofl: I applaud the effort, but weaksauce. C’mon, somebody get offensive!

well if you want to play that game, i’m willing to bet i have more power than your car, so now wheres the logic? this is the worst argument ever. you could have a 50hp car and get more speeding tickets then someone with a 1200hp car, its all about the drivers self control, not the car …

ill give you props for that, but you could have alteast went with the 4 burger model, it looks like you guys like to eat! fairground food is expensive there, i always pay like 10 bucks for a sub but thats what carlisle is all about.


“as i said, under construction, i still got alot of work to do. keystone patch panels are sitting in the back seat!” as in "I gotta flush in the foreman and add a blender??

i have got a question for nvr2low. you are a member of our forum and have been for a while. soo how come u dont talk shit to us on our own forum? why do u run to all these other ones and talk shit. ive only heard of e-thugs, not e-bitches. congrats, yer the first one.

ok…? nice messy engine bay!

wow…some of u guys are fucking idiots… apitime (sp)of Ri(e

Funny, we were too, and we had a gourmet chef…

kevin, your one to talk about being messy, nice crooked ass intercooler. noob

i have my reasons, and its not beacuse im scared to talk shit there, i just cant handle the stupidity of the majority. a majority of the people here seam to have half a brain, you should leave here so that the inteligence level will go back up.

ouch, funny u only joined here when u found they didnt like us. i can see the genious u bring to the table

i dont think you’ve seen my car recently? or at all. yeah my intercooler was crooked but it wasnt falling out . noob and atleast i post in other fourms then off topic.

i dont find the need to post in any other forums. should i?

can i join team darkness? it seems super cool dood.