uhm an 1110a is a 2-point non-moving violation, basically they hit you twice, once for the ticket and once so you take the driving class to get said points off your license. How is he spewing shit when he stated that is what he got his three tickets reduced to out there. Wow I really am afraid of syracuse if this is what is produced out there

Ok so if you have taken the defensive driving course in the last 3 years for point reduction? then the 2 points stay on your license, and you get screwed!
i’m about to have 6 points on my license from 2 tickets that were originally 11 points, they wouldn’t reduce it because they consider over 90mph reckless driving. However, this is the first time in the history of my driving that i’ll have points on my license (out of about 30+ tickets). Because these are the first points i can take defensive driving and get 4 of them taken care of, but 2 will stay on, and if i get an 1110a, i’ll get 2 more. And currently, the DMV has a system in place where you pay a certain amount fee per year for every point on your license.

bottom line = points on your license are not good
anything that puts points on your license will show up on your driving record, even if you take defensive driving, which looks bad to prospective employers who may pull your abstract.
1101a’s do not show up on your driving record.

Please dont say “in the cuse”


heres an idea. instead of worrying so much about a speeding ticket, DON’T SPEED. what a novel idea. drive to the track, race , drive home.

if only it were that simple…
my car would be painted by now if i wasn’t a speeder, shit’s expensive

oh snap it’s tony danza! I always wanted to bang Samantha!!!11!1!!1!

It is that simple. Or does your car have a mind of its own?

What is your career path that points on your license matter professionally?

Well it’s a combination of me not being able to help myself for speeding and my car being a riceball that attracts police attention.

another year and i’ll have a bachelors degree in automotive technology business management. being that i’ll be in the automotive industry, most prospective employers DO check driving records.

Mona gave the best head.

i’m sorry, but its really not that hard. if i made it to long island and back in my fd without getting pulled over i’d think you could do the same to the track thats what, an hour away? use some self control lol

took us like 3 hours to get there i think. pete, correct me if i’m wrong.
i’m just saying it’s a long boring highway drive to not be speeding on.

It is that simple when your mods consist of front strut bar, rear strut bar, dot 4 brake fluid, filled motor mounts, custom cai, 4 gauge grounding kit, TB coolant bypass, ngk v-power plugs, trimmed maf sensor, breather filter, optima red top battery and stock black wheels.
That thing must fly!

So you’re suggesting that a car can become too fast to be driven according to the speed limit???


well DUH !!!

once your past like 35hp (@the crank) you HAVE to speed, otherwise the horses suffocate and die

Oh noes…I thinks I killed me horses.

yep, my buddy / old roommate use to RAPE kids in his almost-stock s4 when he’d go to 'scuse.

Dude, 9sec. They can’t count to 10 in 315-er land!

Fat redneck chicks?

DUH!! They are sTr33tZ RaC3rZ yO. How are they supposed to street race if they don’t speed? :gotme:

i’d love to hear about your mods! but i bet they are near identical to the ones he has.:biglol:

ohh btw … nice stealies in the front.