oh and my car ran low 13s when i bought it 4 months ago for 1500$. a pretty good buy if u ask me. its much faster now. and your right, alot of people have made proven power out of it. why is that bad? because i bought a tried and true platform to work with? lets try to make a more sensible arguement shall we?

a true platform car is not buying a 13 second car, its more like buying a 16 second car and getting it into the 13’s is alot better of a platform car to work with.

Man, talk about the battle of the ricers. This is like watching a cripple fight.

And there are ricers on both sides of the fence. Last time I checked everyone here (NYSpeed) meet up through the “Racing Forum”. Fucking right. If you spend more time in a parking lot than at a racing, you are a ricer. If you would rather go to a car show than a track, you are a ricer. If you devote more time to washing your car than taking a shower, you are a ricer. If you need to hang out with people just because they have the same car as you (or county of origin), well, you’re not a ricer, you just need to work on your social skills.

congrats you bought a 13 sec car for $1500, its not that hard. Following the vfaq/dsmtalk website is not that hard of a concept either, and I guarentee that most of your parts came from home depot, congrats, you still suck at life.

well i shower when i wash my car duh! does that still make me a ricer?

That applies to soooo goddamn many ppl on here. People need to realize that for the most part nobody gives a goddamn fuck about cars. The worst was a certain evo driver. He would meet a girl, and instantly start talking about his wastegate or something lame.

Jesus some of you people suck at the social interaction…

go home boys, it’s time to feed the hogs.

yea girls love to hear about wastegates.

Damn I can’t even make it to wastegates with most women, I’m luck if I get to say hello. Road-trip stigma > me.

As a graduate of Wayne Central High School… Well, that’s all. Just wanted to interject that I’m a 315er at heart. Although I never actually had a 315 phone number…

nyspeed in the winter is a great time

this thread makes my giggle muscles hurty.

as a 315er i about pissed myself when i read that post

in the civilized 585/716 world, we have toilets :lolham:

This thread keeps getting more and more worthless.

but it will kick back up, they allways do till it hits 20 pages then it will get locked

what r u talking about? how is buying a slow car to work with a " better platform?" are u retarded?

also, 66impalass, there isnt a single part on my car from, homedepot,pepboys, or any other of those favorite shopping destinations of yours. oh and u never answered on what your car ran cupcake.

no he did it right, i bought a mid 17 second car that can barely hit 14s after all my work, and i regret it. with the same amount of work on a 13 second car, it could be running 12s or better

Between the cuse boys airing out their dirty laundry over here and our members taking pathetic pot shots at them, I think it’s safe to say that this thread utterly and completely fucking blows. :bloated:

umm then getting the 16 second car to run 13s. i would say thats a much better platform to start with. IE: my teg it ran 17’s easy now it should be high 13’s to mid 14s as it sits right now. with a better manifold(one without a hole in it) it should be in the 13’s no problem even on snow tires, stock engine, and a rich basemap and i still drive it every day. soo whos retarted?

also having a slow car to work with as a better platform is that you can shave off 4+ seconds is a good thing to know when you buy a 13 second car and cant do much with out spending a ton more to break that. and with out having major issues in driveabilty.