Its about time all the 4bangers of NYSpeed finally realize V8s are better.
are v8’s better then v10’s or v12’s?
Yeah bro!
there’s so many fucking ignorant import owners in here
EVOs aint shit
step to my f-body
V8s are so much better then anything else in the world.
Fuck dude, I would sleep with an 454 big block before I’d sleep with any woman on the face of the earth.
Put some CASTROL in the V8, and I’m a married man.
lol technology?
LSx motors? LS1, LS2, LS6, LS7 lol
IM not a true fan of f-body’s but
I 100% have to admit. The LSx motors are some of the greatest small blocks on the market. :tup: bullet proof desing
singal cam, non stagerd 2 vavle heads…welcome to 1954. Thanks general for the heavy boat ancor, for the mayflower.
can i get some examples of the cars on our forum with body kits please, cuz last i checked there’s maybe like 1 out of 62?
doesn’t the owner of our forum own a v8?
and isn’t drew’s car faster than most of the v8s around here, and it’s a 4 cylinder?
name a place and we can work out a time this summer. ill burn some rubber with ya. perfarablly at a track. but my only condition is if you lose you have to stand next to my car holding a sign that says i just got my ass spanked by an evo.
Are you talking about Howie? Last i knew he was just thinking about buying a LS1 and swapping it in a FC. And what does that have to do with anything i said?
and isn’t drew’s car faster than most of the v8s around here, and it’s a 4 cylinder?
I asked was you and galant race persomal or what? Again i’m not a p/c thug or anything, but here is my answer to your question! Yes i’ll come halfway to buff or we can meet in the roc, about the 6 sec car “you drive i’ll race it” and when ever you get ready just let me know! I rather you p/m me, but if you want everyone to add there 2 cent’s then do it here. They race for money in Syracuse, i also hear they do in the roc but not as much mainly just for shit’s and giggle’s! But they always come close to fighting, and they race for free! In Syracuse they argue before the race, and pay like men never have i seen a fight over a race!! And i have seen the pot’s get as high as $16,000 on the street. Some of you will claim i’m lying, but bring your street car and cash or just come watch it’s all in fun!! Talk to you soon, and galant lets race people not get into this kid shit that ain’t about shit! You know what you have, also what good is it to have other people think we like to fight or beef??
No, the owner of Syracuse Street Racers, and CNY1320, owns a fox body GT mustang last time i checked, and he also owns a galant.
Drewj, see above.
You want to race me?? Or you just running off at the mouth? I like to see ppl talk shit, but don’t be running when the time come’s! Also i have both, a motor & power adder car! So let me know??
you’re a douchebag.
i think i saw you in a movie before… I believe that vin deisel played your character.
It’s funny, you would say that! Also it just goes to show, you don’t have anything intelligent to say. Name callin on the p/c is for kids like you, the thing is anyone and everyone can do it yet does it make you a man? Listen to me good, i don’t like to be called name’s. Say whatever you want about racing, but show me the same respect i show you and this goes for anyone on here. Alot of other guy’s need that kind of attention, again i’m not into that so pls chill out with that!! Now as far as racing and calling Syracuse ppl this or that, bring your car and money and show them how much a douchebag or whatever else you like to call them. Let car speak for you, not your mouth for i’m sure there’s alot better thing’s that you like in it?