NOPOLL :slight_smile:

Using antics to market themselves thus selling more of their jersey bringing in more endorsements and money to themselves? Yep morons.


its there now

wheres the option for stabbing TO with scissors while Ocho Cinco watches?

Off topic but what kind of car is that?

an ugly one


wheres the option for i enjoy chad johnson, but hate TO

i like turtles.

i think your missing a poll option there Bill.

BTW nice fucking name chad, you fucking retarded tool.

Now Moss on the other hand :kiss:

Idk why, but I hate them so much. ILC makes a good point but I would still hate them even if they were on the Bills so idk. I guess it because the Bills would never pick up players like that.

Love both of them, fantastic atheletes, and why not throw a little fun into the game… it’s great.

moss>* mooning packers fans is the real highlight of his career.


TO and CJ= idiots. hate both.

Im really surprised this poll is so close to even… I really thought this was a, “unless they play for your home team you hate these guys” kinda thing.

he’s a retard.