tabbed browsing with IE?

IE works great. People like to blame microsoft for thier own stupidity, drives me nuts.

^^ well lets not take it too far, most MS products suck for many reasons, but that doesn’t mean there is another alternative. You don’t use IE because its great, you use IE because you have no choice :stuck_out_tongue:

I stand by the fact it works great for browsing, could use tabs but i dont miss them.

yeah ill run IE and get 5004689088923478938023890139139 pieces of spyware just by opening it.

Firefox all the way, just gotta learn how to configure it correctly, and it works better than IE anyday.

IE supports BAD CODE and refuses to support W3C Web Standards…

If a page breaks in Firefox and works in IE, reason usually lies within bad/incorrect code.

Most good developers realize that most of the workarounds need to be written for IE these days because they do not correctly support many standards.

If you prefer IE, thats fine, but It is false to say it is bad for the web.

Argh not to continue this argument, but we are practically agreeing, just saying it in different ways. I fully agree that Firefox is a BETTER browser, but due to things such as websites written in frontpage, and other IE specific modules, using other browsers is too much of a PITA…

And in response to spyware, yea, my machine is clean… :wink:

either way you are cleaning/maintaining something, for IE, you are maintaining spyware adware problems, for firefox you are maintaining plugins, its whichever one you hate more will drive what you use :biglaugh:

i dunno, i never have issues viewing anything in firefox, or running anything.

i never thought id change over, but after using it for 5 seconds i was hooked.

werd… never a problem here either (and no spyware since I stopped using IE)

i just got myie

i always went w/ ie over anything else, but after about 5 min w/ myie, i like it …

MyIE has been renamed to maxthon for those who dont know-
<~~~~ user for 2 years now

…word…IE can lick my nuts…

thats what i am using now. its hot

HEy if you download the microsoft desktop search engine (searches outlook, desktop etc) it adds tabbed broswing to IE FYI