Take a picture showing how F'in bored you are at work


Is that a massage table?

I fired my assistant today. Pretty good day so far.


No happy ending no job?


Kinda sorta.

i cant imagine what that old woman was thinking

I’m working on packing my bags for my cruise : )


Is that your daughters luggage? lol

HAHAHAH…i was also gonna comment on the homo luggage

HAha, no its mine. I love it, it TH with a little pink in it.

shawn i bet you look hot with the luggage

This is his kids, I found his:


Luggage doesn’t matter, its the destination, and I know I will be able to pick it out at the airport.

No doubt that there will be at least one fggt who says that’s sweet…


True story. Where are you headed?

↑12 day Mediterranean cruise, starts in Spain, then Italy, France, Greece, Turkey.

That is badass.

Make sure you take lots of pics of you and your BF.

Haha, here is his bags