up goes the karma.
JDMSIR - that does sound like an awesome trip though. You better post a ton of pics when you get back.
up goes the karma.
JDMSIR - that does sound like an awesome trip though. You better post a ton of pics when you get back.
+1 karma
I’m kind of jealous. It blows trying to find a black samsonite bag at a busy bagagge claim. I oughta put like a cocknballs in duct tape or something on my bag so I can find it.
Yeah and put something on your luggage too so it’s easier to see.
micha you need to get me a job there k thanks
def NOT when u spell my name WRONG
:gotme: im pretty much over it… sry <3
my naem is micha el and for me to write micah it takes …smarts
:lol: :bigclap:
I can’t take a pic because I am not one of the cool ones at work with the new fancy blackberry… in fact I think I’ll go whine to my boss about that right now!
working on a header for my band’s MS. OBV not done.
Thats pretty sweet.
just a test run.
i want a different font. and maybe some stars. such a fucking pain in PS. this would be a snap in flash…
famous stars