Does anyone know why it takes almost 10 minutes of driving before the motor actually warms up? I know its not teh heat gauge because the heater won’t even blow warm air until she’s wamed up. Anyone else have teh same problem or know how to fix it. I’m driving her in the winter and don’t always have that much time to wait for heat. That and I don’t like driving anything unless the motor is warm.
Check your thermostst, if it is sticking closed, it won’t let the coolant circulate and go through the heater core and such. If it is stuck open, the coolant won’t stay in the engine long enough to get heated up.
Hope this helps. If you get the problem fingered out, when it gets really cold, you can put cardboard infront of your rad to slow the cooling effect but if you are having problems already, finger them out first, it might be ok when everything is working.
I can’t believe I didn’t check the thermostat. I’ve been doing presafeties\rebuilds\general work on cars for as long as I can remember and I never even thought of that. I hate it when the simplest things are forgotten. Thanks I’ll give that a try.
Hey man, I’m just glad to see that I am not the only one that does things like that, I just got my winter beater going, it had some lighting issues. I am sure I checked all of the fuses, but, of coarse… Oh well, not the first 3 hours I have waisted in my life.
Good luck man
If its stuck closed the engine will overheat quicktime.
Sorry, I meant sticking closed longer than it’s supposed to.