Taking money from a girl?

Flip the sex roles and play out the same explanation. It would be seen as perfectly acceptable. I say do it.

So much of this women’s equality crap only makes them equal in areas that benefit them. They make equal money for equal work, yet a lot of girls are still led to believe they’re entitled to guys paying for everything.

she sounds nice and rich. it is daddy’s money. I bet she could care less about you taking the money. You are putting way more thought into this than she is. She is trying to help you because she likes you.

Tough situation. Exactly how much money was left in the envelope? That could be the deciding factor right there. A couple hundred bucks…ehhhh… try to give it back and if she insists to keep it fine. $500 or more…I’d say just make sure she takes it back. Something happens and she’ll feel like you used her then you might have daddy knocking on the door to get his money back. lol If you decide to keep the money at least do something for her with some of it. Nice dinner, buy her something, etc… Make sure she feels appreciated for what she did and not used.

couldnt have put it better myself

rich girls are a love-hate type of deal…ive dated some pretty wealthy chicks, well their parents were wealthy at least, and you either get the typical stuck up broad that wants everything handed to her, or you find the down to earth humble broad thats like "what are you talking about, jeez, my parents arent rich! we live in a normal house and drive regular cars…"but according to her, 5 bedrooms is normal? and driving a lexus doesnt make you rich, driving a BMW or a Benz does…honestly, if shes the down to earth doesnt care about having really nice shit or expect you to buy her everything b/c mommy and daddy did, then i say go for the gold and knock her up! and see what happens from there…taking the money would be a touchy subject only because she feels like she helped you out and when the time comes to do something nice for her you’re gonna be like aw fuck! use your best judgement…i see nothing wrong with fixing the transmarobird with her money, hell you guys can “share” a hobby :lol: with her footing the bill hahaha…

oh one more thing, def pee in her butt!

In the words of Diddy! Take that! Take that! Take That!

This is on page three. I saw “Girl is stupid rich, gives me money”

Has the wedding happened by this page yet?

What are you talking about… Its a completely legit question. I wouldn’t take the money, because I don’t need it. He’s trying to get both sides of it.

Borrowing/taking 800 bucks is not something you give away, nor take. You plain and simple owe the person now.

I don’t see how its obvious, my guess is you were fucking the girl and you think he is trying to rub it in your face.

I would marry her and then kill her. but make sure it looks like an accident. I think electrical fires are the hot ticket today. But I would get some surprise butseks before you burn the money out of her


$800? Big deal.
Tell her you need $8,000.
If she can get $8,000 within a half hour then marry her.:biglaugh:

Oh and, all women are psychotic, it just takes longer to realize sometimes.

LOL @ “She’s decent looking”.

I wouldn’t touch it. Call it stubborn pride if you want, but a rich person trying to toss you almost a grand because she can and she feels bad for you is goddamned demeaning. It’s not like she’s trying to save you from starvation or home forclosure or something. It’s car repairs. Put it on credit and get a better handle on your business.

If I were in your shoes and I took the money my only question would be which person has less respect for me: her or me?

