Taste of Edmonton-Avenue of Cars Show n Shine - UPDATED

After some thought Im out.


So everyone KNOWS that this show is July 19, right? The May 29 deadline is so that I can get all our applications in and guarantee spots for our cars.

Also forgot to mention that the entry fee is $20. $10 goes to charity and $10 gets you a bunch of taste of edmonton tickets. And each entry gets a gift bag from the Taste of Edmonton.

I hate sounding like a nag but is anyone wanting to attend this show? I need to know this week. So far I have had ONE pm. If we cannot field at least 6+ cars I don’t want to do this show.

If you have concerns or questions please post up. James, Ryan, Drifto, d_Seim, Sylvan Lake, Craig, Bernie, Dave, Nathan??? Are you guys still interested? I have to tell you this is disappointing. Especially since the ToE personally invited us.

Not sure about my work schedule yet, so I can’t say yay or nay. I’m also kinda iffy about the lack of security, not that my car is actually worth anything, lol.

it’s too early to commit yet, They have a deadline that far in advance is silly. so far so good but i won’t know my work schedual till the last week of June.


I’m sort of with StybZ on this one. It is hard to commit that far in advance some times.

I have so much going on at work that I haven’t even been able to determine when my holidays are and that is what is keeping me from committing to anything.

All I can say is that I am absolutely there if I am in town.

…and I know the deadline is the 31st so I have given myself a task on my computer to make a decision later this week :wink: