Tattoo Parlor

Shamus McInky
Humm thats my one from slick money aka Josh…didn’t even know it was up there!

Erich Foster at Rise Above. he used to work at HOD then started this shop. He’s really popular though, if you’re getting something bigger you might have to wait a month or so. he did my back


Divine Machine


I would say cory from divine machine as well. He does awesome work. All life like. He has done mine as well as some of my friends who had portraits done. Its all about what you are looking to get tho matt.

anyone mention








they do awesome work



6th order tattoo. HOD. tattoo don’s nickel city.



yeah HOD…

Chris does awesome work.


[quote=“Calico Angel,post:10,topic:32588"”]

I’ve had two done at nickel city and my most recent and best at HOD by Josh. He’s not cheap but he’s worth it.



Hand Of Doom.

There is a reason Jon guest spots all over NYC and someone flew josh to their home to tattoo them for a day.

[LEFT] H.O.D Tattoo (doombrothers) on Myspace [/LEFT]


[quote=“Calico Angel,post:14,topic:32588"”]

881-4424 is HOD

I know they aren’t cheap if they’re good, that’s kinda what I said. I wouldn’t want something cheap on my skin for the rest of my life



I have seen some of eternal inks work i like the color work very detailed. If you want detail. Hypherion is also good especially with color.

HOD does great work my sister is COVERED with their work.


jesus… I guess its unanimous…


Shamus McInky

Humm thats my one from slick money aka Josh…didn’t even know it was up there!


Thats my Cousin Craig’s place … havent talked to him in a while … looks like his work is getting better …

I think im gonna have to go see him … Im feenin for a sleeve