Does it matter that I am $280 short of the minimum deduction? How much will I gain if I come up with $280 more in deuctions?
what can be used as deductions to get more money back.
There are different kinds of deductions… I need “itemized deductions”.
Eurodad - RJ lied… you need proof of a charitable donation of any kind.
Less than $250 can be a cancelled check
More than $250 requires a receipt from the charitable organization.
Donate to The Human Fund - Money for People.
Seriously though, anything for the kids in terms of educational toys can be deducted. I also believe you can deduct tools, and also if you’ve done any upgrades to the home in terms of windows, HVAC, roofing, etc… that is energy star compliant may also warrant a deduction.
how can you prove it if your sitting in church every sunday and throwing money in the tray when it’s passed around? do you ask for a reciept???:stick:
If you put your $ in an envelope with your name on it most churches will keep track of your contributions and will give you a form at the end of the year for taxes
No… you write a check…
Yeah… See…
Now go do something and quit bugging me about the taxes…
:slap: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
:cuddle: :cuddle: :cuddle: :cuddle: :cuddle: :cuddle:
get taxes done so eroturdface can get 06 RM2fiddy:blue:
x2 :bigok: racing starts in march.
Pretty sure you will gain nothing. You use the bigger of: Standard deduction or Itemized deduction. Itemizing only benefits you if it is greater than standard deduction. If the 2 are the same, it doesn’t matter which one you use.
And, Itemizing requires more proof which means more chance of mistake and audit?
you won’t gain anything over with going itemized… hell, i tried to go big time and write off mad shit and it ended up that the state was offering more of a write off anyway.
i didn’t have to prove any write offs for donations… i’ve donated a few times and have given away clothes for $25 or $50 a pop and don’t have to ‘prove’ anything… anything big time over 250 does require proof, but i’ve never heard of anything lower being a problem… you might want to double check that.
According to my turbotax. It looks like next year you will need proof of all charitable donations. In the form of a receipt, cancelled check, or credit card receipt. This year I think that you can just claim it if it is less than $250 and chance getting audited. That was the jist that I got. Claim it this year, but definately have proof next year.
It seemed like when I did mine, you get 10% of whatever you paid for the housing upgrades back. It didn’t matter if it was itemized or standard either.