Taxes, the election and you

You can inherently agree then that Bush has done the complete opposite and where has this lead us today? I am sick of people saying that we can’t blame the current administration for anything, that’s such a cop out. He is the president, he runs the country and when ish happens on his watch, yes I blame him. He is the elected official, so he is responsible. I am not blaming him for 9/11 rather things that ARE in his control. Regarding, your ‘ihnerent’ beliefs, where does he say he wants to give to the poor instead of cut the debt? He wants to give to the 101 million that are struggling, instead of continuing to drive us into more debt with Iraq. How is it that they have a massive surplus and we are now investing in setting up a 110 million dollar embassy there. Let’s use the money here not there!

What has the previous administration done while the Pres is Rep and the Congress for 6 out of the 8 years has also been Rep? Where has this lead us today? The scary thought is that luckily the Bush administration did NOT privatize SSI and now people aren’t totally fucked on that end!