I don’t need to bash GWB. I can simply point out his approval rating (3X%), the economy, gas prices, current education status, Iraq War (both status, deaths, and amount spent), 9/11, Katrina (FEMA was a disaster), etc… I’m trying to find one thing he did that was positive? Wait, my rebate check! Thanks! And I am just getting warmed up.
No conspiracy but falsifying intelligence (WMD/Al Queda in Iraq) Plame conspiracy, Iran Nuclear Threats, voting scandals (diebold fl/ohio) are all impeachable acts.
I wonder who everyone is going to blame for every problem when GWB is no longer in office. I got a fucking paper cut today, I can’t wait for that no good cock gobbler to get out of office so this stops happening. The president is never popular after two terms, how quickly people forget everyone calling for blood from Clinton for his last year. The American public wants a scapegoat, someone to blame all of our nations problems on.
When you think of the Oklahoma City bombing you think of Timothy McVeigh(sp?) when you hear September 11th attack you think Osama Bin Laden, the American public demands someone to call accountable. Am I saying GWB is a good president? nope, but if you think things would be much if any different with John Kerry in office your living in a pipe dream. Same goes for the current presidential candidates, it will be business as usual and nothing dramatic will change in our lives.
Yes this stimulus package is a joke, but unless your going to run for political office to change things stop whining because nothing is going to change unless enough people take action. Talk is cheap; lead, follow or get out of the way, just don’t sit there and whine things aren’t right and do nothing about it. Your in America one of the only places in the world you can make a difference.
You can have an opinion, but don’t whine about the way things are going if your not willing to do anything about it. It’s easy to criticize from the sidelines, if you think you can do better I’d encourage you to, seriously.
Approval ratings have nothing to do with an elected official’s ability to do his job. The people that vote in those CNN polls represent the American people; they get their political knowledge from SNL, or worse yet…CNN. The economy and gas prices are NOT solely on GWB’s shoulders. 9/11 (are you fucking kidding me?) and Katrina (seriously, are you fucking kidding me?) are NOT the fault of GWB. Please tell me you believe 9/11 was a conspiracy and Katrina was just a chance to screw black people. : : :
No one can prove any of those “impeachable acts.” They are created by people that love to blame GWB for everything wrong with the US since he’s easy to blame. I’m more inclined to NOT believe them since I cant see that any of them arent fabricated by the Bush haters.
I dont like Bush, I dont even support a lot of what he does, but blindly putting blame on him for every problem whether it was his fault or not just bothers me to no end.
<3 you buddy.
^^^ Bingo. I’m bored with the GWB bashing, it was old in 2004.
People need to stop blaming one man for an entire government’s screw ups. It’s going to be fun when GWB leaves office and the same problems still exist but now they are Clinton’s/Obama’s/McCain’s fault.
I do my share as a citizen. I vote. Contray to belief, most politicians aren’t 27 year old single males with a typical income so my chances of being an elected official are probably not goin to happen.
I respect your opinion too but I think anyone who is a citizen has a right to have an opinion and voice it even without trying to get elected.
No, but they reflect people’s opinion of the person’s ability to do their job. Trust me, you are the man but if 70% of America thinks you fail at life, then you probably fail at life. Given what I listed above, I think they have a reason to be displeased.
Nothing is 100% on anyone’s shoulders. I think it is fair to say that most who refer to GWB are referring to his Administration as well.
Yes, 9/11 did happen under his watch. There WERE reports/info regarding it but it was ignored. Not 100% his fault but it happened under his watch. I know you know but his position as President is head of our Military. Someone is responsible for everything in life.
Katrina was one of this country’s horrid moments. To respond to your black people comment, I bet things be different if that happened to Greenwich, CT but one will never know. To quote: “Brownie, you are doing a heck of a job”. :ponder
Of course they cannot or they would have. He is protected by the umbrella. But, you don’t need to believe anything.
Fact -> WMD did NOT exist in Iraq; Al Queda did NOT exist in Iraq. Am I missing another bullshit reason from the GWB (And his Administration) regarding the invasion of Iraq? This is the war that cost how many American lives? How many Iraq? Cost us how much? Yea, I’d say we’d really need to review this instead of saying: “Well. We are here. So let’s deal with it.” Think about it. We invaded a country that did not attack us on their soil based on propaganda and other lies. That, honestly, scares the hell out of me.
Someone needs to take blame. He is the highest position in this Country. His Administration takes it as well.