
torrents :fail:

Had a terrible experience with EG a few years ago and never went back. The guy doing the taxes had no idea what he was doing and was basically copying our old forms. He actually asked us why we came in to them, because we did the ones last year by ourself just as good.

Free Turbo Tax online is all i need.

We go to H&R (we don’t pay full price)…We both claim 0 and have an extra $5 put into both, then come tax time we claim the 3 dependents and get most of everything we paid in, back. Its like MY on the side savings account!

except without interest :bloated:

true,true…but it is always nice to know that every year we don’t have to worry about paying in…

I’m on track to pay about 30,000 between state and federal WHAT THE FUCK. I claim 0 and will probably owe. :frowning:

I do my own using the online irs thing and it is really easy if you can read. Just fill out everything do the 1040ez and your good to go. Took me a half hour earlier today. Unless your good with that stuff and you make a lot of money I would never do it myself.

yeah, time to own up to some of your kids.