anyone on here or know of someone that prepares income tax and is cheaper than H&R Block?
How much is H&R block? I did mine myself on
X2…turbotax ftw
price is different every year. between $140 and $180
turbo tax is alot cheaper…like more than half. Is it just a regular tax or is there business involved? If its just regular, its easy as hell to do yourself.
regular tax
I just looked mine up, it was 75.86. that includes the turbotax fee, electronic filing fees, state refund fees, and taxes. And SO easy to do. I am retarded when it comes to understanding taxes. Its blonde friendly
Used it the past 5 or so years…
19.95 for the ultimate bundle which is federal and state
I think federal is free online
if you are in rostraver see
Ed Mendola
he is right off the BV exit right on the other side of the bridge fromt he Sunoco
he been doing my dad’s for last 30 yrs
Ed Mendola has prepared mine a few times as well. Good guy. He has taught some classes at Cal U, too.
i’ll check into ed, thanks guys