Teach Me To Skate

you must care a lot thats funny

Alright, Steve is broke as shit, but that is because he is in the middle of building a project that is WELL over the level of what most 18 yr olds could accomplish, Eric I don’t know you, an personally, judging but your posts I don’t want to know you, Steve has been around for awhile, has 2K posts Blah Blah Blah, yeah big fuckin deal but He is liked by most people on here and not just behind from behind his computer, but in person, your a fuckin noob and your just a shit talking faggot that spams useful theards, just like the rest of these fuckin noobs who dont know shit about anything, you sit on the sidelines and talk shit about people you wish you where like, stop polluting threads and go work on your people skills and maybe you can make some friends instead of deflect them., I can’t fuckin believe I just typed this but its been a long time coming with all these fuckin kids who think there hot shit, you know who you are, Just shut the fuck up and lurk maybe you’ll learn something. I will never post in one of these threads again, cause I’m sure this will be disregarded by most anyways


Nah, just bored.:tup:

The only thing that pisses me off is that you seemed like a decent kid in person, then you turn into a huge fuck off on the internet.

Oh and carless, I sincerely apologize for adding to the Spam in your thread, Cause I believe in “If your not part of the solution your part of the problem”, but it needed to be said at some point

that sucks i havent liked you since i met you …sorry

I never asked if you liked me, I stated that you didn’t seem like you sucked this bad.

you can you stupid fucks stop taking mental shits in this thread ? take it to pm’s already

So, this thread’s about a girl trying out skating, right…?


I think it was… but I lost track less than halfway through it. Granted, this is OT but for the love of FUCKING God… keep your personal shit personal.

Carless, sorry I had to close this when all you were looking for was help/advice. I don’t feel like babysitting kids tonight so consider this done.