Teach Me To Skate

you’re joking right?

sounds like a joke to me, i lol’d

how can he even put a VW golf in the same caterory as a Subaru STI

what i think he ment to say was, i wanted a STI but settled for a VW golf because i couldnt afford a STI

That was cold. Funny, but cold.

We prefer not to do it in the car…Too small:loopie:

Well then I enjoy being a faggot.

You stick your dick in the blender yet?:cjerk:

WOW why are you posting in my thread???

Call me a bitch all you want. I don’t fucking care, why? Because I know I’m better than you. Go back to highschool.


What I think he meant to say was, he was looking for an STI, but then realized that there was no reason to have a car payment that’s twice what mine currently is to just want to auto-x it.

But hey, this comes from the kid who spent 20k on a 15 year old honda civic, so I wouldn’t expect you to understand.

if thats what you call your moms vag then ya we all have shits rough


youre a pussy too.

kev this is coming from a kid who was driving from stop sign to stop sign riding the clutch for a half hour in a vw at southgate…btw just so cky knows going to potter road doesnt mean you know a single bit about cars stop posting in every thread"if only i had the money" “if i had the money i would get that in a second” shut the fuck up you broke bitch…every fucking thread that gets open you gotta fucking reply to …you suck

and you know me? …nope

i have no idea who you are. its just evident that youre a whiney twat.


Shut up you firecrotch bitch. I make more money than you, I’m smarter than you and I can drive way fucking better than you.

Ask anyone who knows me. Actually, no don’t because I don’t fucking care.


you lost to a stock sunfire…im sorry …btw im really happy for your intellegence still doesnt make up for you growing up a bitch…if you make way more money than me then why do you always complain about not having any on here? keep running your internet tough guy act it makes you look extremely tough if thats what your going for.

carless i apologize for talking shit on your thread that kid just sucks

LOL @ I lost to a sunfire. I was at the top of 5th doing 120 and letting off and you fags passed me. We have 2 other cars that were there to prove this if you’d like.

Oh man I grew up a bitch, because you’ve known me my whole life right? Do you have a single legitimate argument to make? Seriously grow a pair a grow the fuck up.

Money? I blow most of all my money on car shit and credit card debt. I can complain all I want about not having any money. It’s not that I don’t have any, it’s that I don’t have the money to spend on other peoples shit. 90% of those posts are bumping a friend of mines for sale thread you dipshit.

Grow up, you make yourself sound more and more pathetic each post.

And on the clutch riding topic:

euro b o y xx: he said i ride clutch LOL
dohc3s: Well, I cant say anything, but I have NEVER heard you ride the clutch
euro b o y xx: thank you
euro b o y xx: lol
dohc3s: its not a compliment its truth, I cant recall a time at all
euro b o y xx: funny thing is, me either.
euro b o y xx: but i must because that little bitch says so, and he must be right. right?