Teach Me To Skate

I want to learn how to skate board is there anyone who is will you take the time and teach me??I know how to get on a skate board and go but I suck at it…I just want to get better but I need someone to show me the right way

u should go practice on the 33

no try the 190 right around 5 oclock

Go down south park, hang a left at tift st. and just keep going straight.

Talk to me in spring and I’ll teach you but right now I’d say check online for trick tips and it’ll take a few months just to learn basic tricks.



come over, ill drain the indoor pool lol

you can come skate my tub its got like 8 inches of vert.:ohyeah:

My little brother and his friends are skatboard crazy. They where out today.

I could talk to him. Also he learned some stuff from these tony hawk dvds they got out. Hee might have some extras if you want them i will ask him.

Just let me know.

pm coldaccord lol

I could teach you how to skate, the funny thing is my board is located on my cock… jkjk Skateboarding sucks! learn to play ice hockey .

I think i have a tony hawk tips dvd or something layin around that i dont need if u wanted it

ldiablo has skated for a long time, I have as well. Almost 9 years actually. I just got out of it about 2 years ago and am planning to start again this summer as well :slight_smile:

Good luck and be careful lol

O actually just ride bmx fuck skateboarding lol i can skate board enough to be ok but can ride a lot better

but why?

that’s about as cool as a guy posting, asking how to do the macarena or WTB: tamagotchi

wow… wouldnt 21 be a bit old to start learning… and amanda if your gunna really do it, do yourself a favor and dont use those boards nick has… greg was pointing out some issues to me they have…

come skate with the kids on my street… so we can all sit on my porch and yell things to you too in the summer…and i think that diablo neon kid is one of them… i saw his neon on my street all summer

bmx>board pushers>fruit booters

9 yrs holy jesus no more like 4 lol

and i fruitboot too.

Get a pro deck cheap decks are gay.

LOL I meant 9 for me, I’ve skated with you for like 3, so I know you’ve skated at least like 5 years.

what are wrong with my decks that has an effect on learning to skate?

they are very basic, and i only do flatland/street skating. what issues could possibly hurt my abilites on a street?

my GOOD board got stolen and i dont have that kind of money to keep a good board around anymore. i used to have a LIB techonologies 8" wide with kingpins