Teach Me To Skate

somehtign about the bushings on the trucks are fucked… idk, i didnt push a board, you would have to ask greg…he used to skate

ya that sounds more right u def need to skate this summer.

Lib tech boards are poop, no offense. The fiberglass construction wasn’t the greatest idea.

Help me re learn? lol I got sick of not getting any better so I said fuck it.

keep falling until you get it right

You can only do that so many times on the caz 8… lol

blank boards are straight. sunday blanks use the same wood as alien workshop

anyway, noone can teach you to skateboard. just cruise around a ton and get your balance right. keep your knees bent. then once you’ve got your balance work on ollieing (have someone show you the concept once and just try till you get it) and go from there.

she will fall once and give up… any takers on this bet?

hey, oh! i skate everyday, travel all across state/states to go skating. I was just in buffalo last week at the skatepark there. Dont get a deck from a major store, There are local shops in buffalo, get their brand name deck, independent trucks, bones reds bearings, big wheels 55mm or more. and thats it. Got any questions, send me a PM, ill answer when im not skating. =D

I didnt say that i didnt know how to just want to get better and I would have liked someone with experience to show me what I am doing wrong. I’ll take you up on that bet mike. This is something I really want to do and I am going to try to get it down by the end of the summer. I would love to skate now but seeing how its fuckin nasty out because this is Buffalo I dont want to skate out side its to cold. I would like to go to Xtreme wheels but money is kinda low right now BUT seeing how Saosin is playing there next week I will probley go early so that I can get a membership

It’s really not that hard. It’s just super persistent doing the same thing over and over again until you get it perfect. If you don’t get it perfect, you’ll likely end up on your ass(or face)
Just start off doing things not moving. Try to perfect them the best you can and then start to do it moving. First things you should learn are ollies and shovits. Try and find someone with a heated garage and learn in there for the time being if possible. Back 2 years ago me and a few friends(ldiablo too) used to go to places that had covered pieces of concrete(Like the west seneca soccer park) and skate there in the winter. We also broke into the unused half of former tops(now biglots) and built a huge kicker in there to skate.(I don’t suggest that since a few of them got arrested in there for tresspassing)

Just have fun and learn at your own pace.

EDIT: And beware of people in skateparks, Mainly the bikers. They don’t give 2 fucks if you’re in their way because they’re “bigger” than you (Bigger as in they’re on a bike they can run your ass over)

i started skating back in 1991 and everything i learned was on my own. there really is nothing you can “teach” when it comes to tricks. the physics of it is pretty straight forward. its all a matter of doing the trick over and over and over and over until you get it right. skateboarding is not easy to learn by any means and it takes years to get any good at it. its all about being dedicated and persistent and eventually your skills will develop. and be prepared to endure some pain, because the better you get, the worse your gunna get hurt. thats why my skateboard is collecting dust in a closet…at 30 my body doesnt recover from the injuries like when i was a kid. either way, if your serious about it, just practice alot and you will get better. you dont need a teacher.


best tip out there…ther are some nice videos on transworld and thrasher on ollies and such, but it all takes practice and effort, most pros have been doing it since they were kids

This thread is as worthwhile as one entitled: Teach Me To Think

Actually, i think you should post that one first.


saosin sucks
xtreme wheelzzz is shitty
skating is lame

Get your shit right

god i hate skateboarders

the targets of high school beatings.


i dont skate anymore…i dont have time, ill be getting another bmx bike soon to ride the trails by my house…and in the mean time i snowboard

i ride bmx you should tooskateboarding is just a big waste of time:rolljerk: and heres pics for those who thinks xwheels sucks :slight_smile: i love x wheels



people that make these comments either:

  1. Have never tried to skate/bmx/aggressive rollerblade
  2. Sucked so bad the 1st time they tried and gave up because they were too lazy too put in effort to do well
  3. Too fat and lazy to even try (similar to #1 but fat)