Teach Me To Skate

if forced to skate again

(which wouldn’t happen)

i’d wear pads. i fucking hate falling down on con fucking crete


so i don’t do it

nor would i want to be seen wearing all the pads & helmet

so all the way around, No

nothin wrong with protecting urself, who cares how u look…people care too much about how they look when doing things like that, who cares, i wouldnt skate without knee and elbow pads, i never ride my bmx without atleast shit guards…who cares u are doing something not many people do or even have the balls to try and do

who are you? are you from buffalo?

We don’t give a fuck because you asses sit on the coping, do kick flips on the flat bottom and send your boards flying across the park every time you fall.:wink:

People still board after they drive?
I used to bmx and board. street and ramp… was fun.

Got keys to my first car, I was driving to friends houses and doing it there. Only lasted until I got into cool cars and decided money is better spend on a good fun car.

kind of like my cock!

Nah, those are the fuckjobs that can’t skate for shit.:nono:

Wow i like how something so small can become something so stupid. Thanks to the poeple that took the time to tell me what i should and should not do. Everyone has there own opinion on everything its just really sad the you guys sit online to pick on other people about stupid shit…

Girls skateboarding is a fad. In two months you wont want to anymore so save your time and money. I rode a skateboard once or twice…

I love doing it there is no way i I am giving it up now

Who’s to say that you won’t stick with it, but he really is right. 99% of the girls I know that tried it did it for about a month, then said fuck it.


support your local skate shop…fuck the corporations that hurt their own industry.

i haven’t skated in years, but there’s something attractive about people that are just doing what they love. a lot of people on here shit on everything, but being out on a skateboard trying to enjoy life’s simple pleasures is a hell of a lot cooler then sitting online jerking off to 6000 dollar watches.

Ha caz 8s nothing to ollie,landed the kickflip a few times but wrecked my board so bad it was no good,haven’t done the rail in a while though it alwasy is scary.I went to indy it just for shits and giggles one time and lets just say the deck went upright OUCH it hurt.

Tops was awesome, if we didnt get kicked out it wouldve turned into like a bigass indoor park and mad people partying haha ofoucrse that wouldve turned into worse cop trouble lol.

To the OP dont give up itll come to,plus girls who skateboard are hot:ohyeah:

I’d rather stick my dick in a blender…

some bmx’r hit me at xtreme weelzzzzz. It didn’t work out in his favor…

And chris, if I put any effort into learning to skate, I’d most likely be pretty good at it… I have had no desire to learn something I view as lame…

heh i miss skating now

how long till this turns into a terrible MTV made episode

go ahead.

EDIT: And beware of people in skateparks, Mainly the bikers. They don’t give 2 fucks if you’re in their way because they’re “bigger” than you (Bigger as in they’re on a bike they can run your ass over)[/quote]

probably because you were one of those fucking annoying ones …go figure…kind of funny a lot of bmxers have skateboarding friends…

probably because you were one of those fucking annoying ones …go figure…kinda funny a lot my bmxers have skateboarding friends. you dont know shit

bikers do think they own the park cause when its skateboard vs. bike,bike wins.But they don’t.