Teach Me To Skate

your obviously ckys butt buddie

who are you? are you from buffalo?[/QUOTE]

Judging by his name & avatar he’s from somewhere around Rochester since Krudco is the established shop out there, the guys who work there are good dudes. When I moved out here I started going to Sunday and have always been treated well and have skated with a few of them.

I don’t know as many kids out here who skate, so I don’t skate as much as I used to. Plus it’s winter and skate parks cost money.

On topic: Just skate a lot and eventually you’ll get the hang of it, etc.

bike does win… cause boarders and fruit boots are faggots

therefore you = faggot too

i will have u know that I bmx and skate, rarely do I goto parks, but when I do if I am on my bike I have resepct for the bladers and boarders, maybe because i dabble a little in all 3.

Carl I didnt mean my previous comments specifically to you. I jsut hate it when people say things are lame and ridicule other people for doing it. If you dont like it fine but when people start shunning others because they like things that you dont thats just dumb. Or when skaters/bmxers get a bad rap for causing trouble. When its a select few…i am rambling on about nothing so i will stop

You’re a fucking faggot. Go suck a dick.

Come say it to my face.

i will next time i see your faggot ass you said the same shit to my buddy over the summer then seen us at southgate and didnt do shit…your a bitch im sorry… funny once you got a vw you thought you were hot shit even though you had to get it because you didnt know shit about cars seeing as you had a beat as talon that you could never make run fuck off faggot…why dont you go post on more threads and act like you know shit go fuck your buddie in his neon.

what are they putting in the water over in west seneca?


some good shit

Didn’t we cover this??

All VW owners suck at life…

i dont own one anymore thankfully

Hmmm first off, my talon ran pretty fucking good. When I got the car there was no fucking front end on it. Seems like I did a decent job rebuilding it considering I got 2k for it when I sold it. I don’t know shit about cars though, so that must not have ever happened.

Friend? I’m sorry I don’t fight kids over dumb fucking shit. Why the fuck should I fight someone over something fucking stupid? All fighting does is prove one person is stronger or a better fighter than the other. There was no argument made over either of those 2 things, therefore a fight is fucking useless, much like yourself.
I had no choice to buy a VW? No actually I was looking for an STi, but settled on this because I wanted to buy a car with the intentions of auto-xing the car and wanted to have a nice interior. Seems like I got what I wanted huh? Sorry I wasn’t a dumbfuck who bought a base model 2.0 jetta. I know a lot more about cars than you will you worthless fuck.

And if all you can come up with is gay jokes you’re pretty fucking pathetic. Grow the fuck up and move on from your little high school insults.

Oh…and learn to make a fucking coherent sentence before trying to talk shit.


you’d save more face

by shutting
the fuck

I say fuck just as much in person, in any normal conversation.

I am me (as Ashlee Simpson would say) and i live in Rochester :fyi:

TITLE: Teach Me to Shake.

youre a pussy.

cky89 you said for me to come say it to your face as in your going to do something about it…now you say fighting never solves anything…your real tough on the internet…you suck in real life just as you do on the interweb…must suck to be born a bitch

Cry Moar

^are you ckys batter or the pitcher