Team Handball

Anyone here play?

We should get a game goin. Team Handball (aka European/Olympic Handball) is probably the most fun sport I’ve ever played.

most fun*


Oh shaddup

hand…ball? is that the thing ppl in NYC play? two dudes slapping a little blue rubber ball against a wall?


This is Hand Ball:

So much better than soccer or basketball in my opinion. I don’t know why this sport isn’t blowing up. It’s very fun to play. Especially when you have a feel for your teammates and can do alleyoops and crazy crap like that like I did when I was in HS with a few of the guys. We were unbeatable.

We played this in gym class. :lol

Yup. So did we. Best unit ever. lol.

Lol we used to play this in gym, probably the worst game ever.

You musta sucked. :).

I’d rather play Soccer.

That says alot about this game.

Ha. Well to each his own. I hate soccer. This is much easier, yet I think it’s more fast paced because the playing field is smaller.

Soccer hooligans.

I also hate Soccer.

That’s my point.

I know, I just like saying it.

makes me think of this

haha at Handegg. I’m going to start calling it that.

that had me tearing out when i saw it the first time.:rofl

i use to kick ass at this game back in school

We should find a place to play a game or two.

I think this is the only sport other than golf and volleyball that I can currently play without my arthritis flaring up in my back.

Handegg :rofl