Tee hee hee - Cobra vs Old Skool


Tee hee hee

slowest DL evAARRRRRR

great vid :tup:

Nothing more satisfying then watching a 15+ year old car beat up on something new! :smiley:

someone care to host it someplace that will actualy allow me to download it ?

dont work

Are you guys clicking on the link, then clicking on “free” on the bottom, then waiting?

yea, and apparently a 1/2 hour wait isnt enough …

EDIT : fucking bullshit … i havent managed to download a single byte of the file and i get this message now :

This IP 152.183.141. is not allowed to use the free-service anymore today. We detected very extreme downloads. Don’t worry! This has not to be your fault.



awd launch raped, and it didn’t stop there :tup:

damn !

launches are pretty close, untill revs start to build back up, and then the vr4 just runs away

he got him off the launch but after that they stayed about even. Looks like the Galant runs a 13.4, or at least dials in there.

Where is Jack?

damn…nice vid

:wave:I’m over here. At work. Unable to join in the video watching fun.

Likewise. I’ll have to watch when I get home.

the cobra was raped twice:) Damn those sleeper cars:tup:

??wheres the sleepers… vr4 or cobra???

Neither car is ever modded or made faster…:roll2:

LOL @ the bike.

:tup: nice vid.