Teenager hits........Airplane

I don’t know what’s funnier: That some dumb fuck kid hit a plane with a Shelby, or that they actually went to the trouble to pose them for pictures afterwards.

Yea with the right tools its easy shit. Everything is well documented, so repairs are easy. All the parts are cataloged. I’m not saying get out there with some tin snips and some flashing and go to town.

The whole point of him saying “I’ll never fly in that plane again” is ridiculous. There is a LOT on a plane that can fail and it will fly. It sounds like because of a little bit of a twist to the frame at most is going to make the plane drop right out of the sky.

I would have imagined that the strip would have something to prevent anyone from going onto it. Something like a barrier. Possibly something like a line of trees or maybe a fence?@!

I thought the airfield in W.Seneca had a big gate/fence around the entrance.

My bad, I assumed there was some sort of safety measure around an airport, even if it was a private one. So there is really no stopping anyone from physically going into one of these airports? O well.

have we forgotten about a certain airport in lakeview?