tell me about canandaigua

I turned down a transfer to Pittsburgh, and applied for a transfer to Rochester. However, there’s some competition for the job and I may set my backup for Canandaigua. I know it’s not going to be a city-like setting, but I’ve never been there.

beautiful place with absolutely crazy high taxes. I has a nice feel to it just big enough to be easy and small enough to be enjoyable.

is there any nightlife or anything?


is there any nightlife or anything?



McGregor’s is your only bet there.
Still, kind of a neat little town. I lived very close to there for quite a while, and my parents still live in Bristol Center, about 10 minutes away.

its not a city. its a town.

Nightlife is watching the streetlights turn on out there.

Nice place to visit…boring place to live…esp. in your 20s


I has a nice feel to it just big enough to be easy and small enough to be enjoyable.


This is what I think when I think of the greater Buffalo metropolitan area.

When I think of Canandaigua I imagine a bed and breakfast and a candle store.

Canadaigua nightlife = drive to Rochester

sounds like a blast

buy a shotgun and a 4-wheeler


Canadaigua nightlife = drive to Rochester


Pretty much. There are a few bars on main street but you get sick of them quickly. Also, Ontario county has had the #1 most DWI arrests in the state for past 20 something years, it’s how they make a lot of their money, so watch out.

Every Thursday in the summer Wegmans has a little car show/cruise in their parking lot and people hang out on the pier. It’s also illegal to skate down the sidewalks…

It’s a nice area with the lake and everything in the summer. I grew up in Honeoye, which is close, and it’s one of those nice places to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there areas.


its not a city. its a town.


huh, yes it is. Theres the city and then the town. My ex lives there so I’ve spent a decent amount of time there over the past 2 years.

Canandaigua is great. The taxes are through the roof but it’s a great place for a family. Especially if you like watersports and such. The lake is clean as fuck and there’s plenty of activity on it during the summer.

Nightlife is nearly non-existent tho.


is there any nightlife or anything?


i heard the EDM scene is slamming out there.

Canandaigua is beautiful, and Rochester is about 25-30 minutes away. There isn’t much of a night life, there are a few bars though. Nothing exciting, really. I’d love to live there, though. It’s clean and pretty, and right by a very nice lake.

(I grew up in Victor, and my horse lives in Canandaigua)


i heard the EDM scene is slamming out there.


yeah ill be spinning parties in my apartment. i expect attendance to be around 1 or so.

They have a dirt track.


yeah ill be spinning parties in my apartment. i expect attendance to be around 1 or so.


lynn and i will visit if you get some lasers.

party of 3. holler.


This is what I think when I think of the greater Buffalo metropolitan area.

When I think of Canandaigua I imagine a bed and breakfast and a candle store.



if you were to work in canadaigua I would find an apt. or house half way between rochester and there. That way you can get the best of both.


if you were to work in canadaigua I would find an apt. or house half way between rochester and there. That way you can get the best of both.


Yeah, there are plenty of places to live in Victor.