Tell me which you'd choose?

The tires that came on my 06 F150 are probably not going to be the best choice for the coming winter, not to mention they’re a little bit hard and rough as tires go. I think I decided what new tire will best fit my needs without taking away too much from the look of the truck, which I like. I think Goodyear Duratracs are going to be the winner as I think they’ll give me some good snow traction and lessen the road noise. I know they’re not the quietest but i think they’ll be softer and quieter than the BFG KM’s. I’ve read some pretty encouraging reviews.

My problem (first world problem) is the new wheels to mount them on. I usually don’t run into this but I can’t decide between the following two. There’s endless wheel designs out there for trucks but I guess I feel like the multiple hole look seems to fit trucks the best. I like certain things about each one but hoping for a little push to the final decision. Let me know what you think…and why. Thanks.

Choice # 1 (my initial favorite)

Choice # 2 (I stumbled on this one while I was on their website)

I like the red accents which tie into the new badges I installed with the red carbon fiber inserts. These also appear to be available without the red rings.

I like number one. Keep it simple.

I put dueler at revo 2s on my 2012 f
150. They ride great so far

I’m not a fan of blacking everything out, and even the black and brushed look is meh. Although the first rim choice would let you plasti dip the Rings to see if you liked the red.

As far as I can tell, the second one has the rings as an “insert” option and maybe that would be the best of both worlds. The design is slightly different with the bead lip and the few “bolt heads” scattered about. I don’t completely like the total “blacked out” look but I also don’t want to go too far with the red accents either. I guess what I hadn’t noticed up until now is that the actual hole diameters are a little different too.

I have Duratracs and they are shockingly quiet and smooth riding for such an aggressive tire. They are even less noisy then the General AT2’s I previously ran.

I had a set of these on my Expedition and they were amazing tires. Surprisingly quiet and just unstoppable in the snow. I got them 2 weeks before the Oct storm and I pulling trees out of the road while everyone else was getting stuck just trying to drive down the street.

Black rims on the black truck get the :tdown:.

Just put 285 Duratracs on my jeep and they have been quiter than I expected and I had high expectations based on reviews.

Go balls deep and get the ones with the red accent.

These should be turned into a poll.

Im in favor of the original pic.

If I knew how.

      • Updated - - -

Good. You can buy the old ones when they come off. :slight_smile:

@1QIKZ not sure if youre only looking at M/T tires but I put a set of BFG All Terrains on when i got my truck 20k miles ago and I am very impressed with the way they are wearing and how quiet they are despite the service tech telling me how insanely loud they would be. Still gives it a bit of an agressive look IMO.

I like #2 as it pulls out the red from the badges and graphics


Thanks for the input. I did have those on my last truck and had no complaints with them. I got used to the pronounced shoulder that the BFG KM’s have and it really gives it a more aggressive look, without going too wide on the tread. I think the Duratrac’s keep with that look. Thanks again!

Do your shirts have sleeves?


Pretty straight forward qualifying question… do they?

Most do. I’m not a bodybuilder or musclehead.

I’m just messing with you, dude. Personally, I don’t like either aftermarket rim choices… too “sleevless MMA douche-bro” for me… but opinions are like assholes. I say you stick with the silver ones you have on their now. I like the look.