temp bans are now suspensions

maybe ‘banned’ was a little too harsh of a term to use

so, since people treat this place like a school playground, from now on, temprorary bans are known as suspensions

when you do or say stupid or useless shit, your account is suspended

when you do or say REALLY stupid shit, your account is banned. this is permanent.

Coles Notes: temp bans = suspended, perm bans = banned

thank you that is all

Hey Mike,

I bet you never thought you’d be a kindergarden teacher in your spare time, eh?

I think people who are realitively well behaved should at least get a warning. Incase they haven’t looked here.

Take me for example. I was banned for like 4-5 days for leaving a POSITIVE comment. I think I’m well behaved. I could have at least got a warning first.

fair point

there is an infraction system… we’ve been meaning to give it a go

maybe closer to winter we’ll play with it and start using it

yeah i got banned for a comment in the fs section… no warning whatsoever i was banned for a week… and this was before all this talk of banning came about too… i doubt that upon joining a forum, people actually read all the rules and a warning would be nice… some people would just be pissed and not come back with that type of thing… thank you /rant

Same here, it did rub me the wrong way but I gave it another chance. Nothing is perfect and always subjective I guess.

When you were a kid and you were about to stick your finger in a delicious chocolate cake, did your mom not smack your hand?

Or did she just let you stick your hand in it regardless, and then tell you not to do it again?

Now whether your mom did that or not, the point is, in some cases, you can only teach a lesson by disciplining you first, warning you later.

We just don’t have time to keep PMing people by warning them; the warnings is already there in the classifieds rules.

If you don’t want to read the rules, you have no right complain when we act on em.

Consider it tough love :o

^^^ lol that is a pretty amusing example

I was just about to make a post about this. It is harsh and rediculous. It makes me re-think ever using son and im one of the guys who always buys shit from you all because I live in MTL and I tell a lot of people about son. I write something positive and get banned, its too strict. Ban me if you like or suspend me all you want, I guess one can just create a new account an its not like this is Zilvia. Anyways with all do respect, figure out a new system guys, it makes me not want to come back. Make this a cool place to rant and for us to speak our minds. And the guy who gets more people banned EVER one this site is the dude who uses his girlfriends breasts to advertise. This is worse than getting slapped on the back of the hand by a girlfriend. Banned for being a guy. WTF? Strangely enough we can now EDIT YAY. I guess it just takes time for you lazy buggers to do something nice for us. For the respectful people here who dont trash talk and lowball, it sucks to get banned, or sorry now suspended. Its the same to me. The point system or infraction should work well, maybe tie it into reps so we can give pos. or neg. reps. Negative reps on SON hahahaha, itll be the first. Now suspend me cuz I wrote too mcuh.

Don’t blame it on the admins, they’re just getting sick and tired of the fucking retards on this board (there are some, though most people are mature) who abuse shit and use it as a playground.

I PM’d admin about an issue regarding support with a big money vehicle on the forum and he responded quickly and it all makes sense!! Admin wont really banned/suspend you too much now if your supporting and asking question that they know are legit!! Only when they know your totally BS’ing they step in… i know its still tight but it could be worst!! Im happy with Son240 and i would tell all 240/180/Skyline etc owners to join!! Son is very friendly when you get to know ppl, i know i have had my run ins with ppl on here but when you meet them its changes your outlook on them and you gain a friend! So OVER ALL i give SON240 a 8/10 with the rules and everything else

Some people simply can’t see the big picture. Take that in anyway you want it, be it offensive or in agreeable manner.

"the guy who gets more people banned EVER one this site is the dude who uses his girlfriends breasts to advertise. "

what the hell are you talking about lol

if you don’t like the few simple rules we have, leave. it’s that simple.


^^ lol

anyway, he was talking about the dude who had a partout of sorts and used his girlfriends breasts in every picture to “market” his parts lol

i’ll edit this if i can find it and link it - made everyone lol

here’s one


and the other (same dude lol)


^^ dem some nice boobies!! lol
i know nuff ppl must have gotten banned talking about dem

Its reasonable to ban people for posting on a for sale thread that has nothing to do with it. i mean asking a question is fine on the thread in my opinion but when people just compliment the car or have a full out convo about how rice the car is then its just pointless. you have an opinion? thats fine, keep it to yourself. The point system will definitely work better. each warning is worth a point and when you hit 3 warnings then a temp ban would be in effect. Effectively keeping it in a good format would prevent them from having too many questions like this for example:

Warning: <Description i.e. idle chatter in for sale thread, bumping too soon, etc>
Reason: <Reason for warning>
Thread: <Thread URL>

That would be fair in my books

yeah, theres a warning/infractions system but we haven’t been using it yet

might play with it over the upcoming off-season

Personally, I think that just banning the shit out of people to get the initial point across will help the warning system… It’s about time IMO.

I’ve seen too many threads where people ask for help and get eaten up by r-tards.

And to be honest… If I was banned, I’d LOL and wait for it to finish. I love the site but I’ve gone days without it before lol… Some threads I want to just post in sometimes and be like w/e to the ban

yeah but for a newbie who doesnt have the IQ to read the rules, sometimes a ban is a lil heavy handed, you know what i mean? i do agree with tough love, some people can be douchebags since the answer may be obvious to them but not to the other person.


very fair and true comment

maybe find a way to make the rules more obvious/easy to find? so not following them warrants a ban cause you have to be a retard not to read them kind of thing?