Ten Car Mods That Make People Think You’re An Asshole


its so they can fit uber rare big fucking wheels and spacers on them, dump it out and try to get the rolled fender lip to sit between the bead on the tire and the wheel.

If I were a cop or did inspections, I would ticket/fail every stretched tire that came through that was more than 1-2 sizes to narrow for the rim width for safty reasons.

Stance shit is so hypocritical and biased its retarded. The same people who used to make fun of beaners and mexi-poke wheels and cut springs bobble heading down the road all do the same damn thing now becasue the “cool kid” next to them did it.

Im not a stance guy whatsoever… but why do people hate bags so much?

i think a big part of people hating bags is a lack of knowing what they really are. People hear words like air-ride and bags and think of a bunch of retards bouncing their car in a parking lot like its a trampoline, they don’t understand that they can be used as a part of a functional suspension setup, hell i almost got a set for the rear of my jeep (not to slam it, for when i load it up with shit).

Bags are factory on my Allroad. They work great when new and are expensive to maintain… that’s about it.

On the flip side, bag hatin’ is about having the balls or the stupidity (whichever you prefer) to drive static/coilover as low as you can get them.


FTR I like hardtails and bags so don’t try to lump me in with any crowds

I’ve had it all, bagged, coilovers slammed, rubbing stanced, lifted etc… I Don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks, I build my shit for me and whatever I felt like that week.

Lifted si and bagged cr-v next week lets get it!!

Get a Guyanese flag hanging from the rear view and some Guyanese flag head rest covers fit right in


I don’t like bags because I don’t want a fricken compressor taking up real estate in my vehicles.

real deal hydro set ups are the bees knees so you better stop talking shit about them…thanks.

Where exactly did I talk shit about a hydraulic setup? I only gave my opinion on why some people hate air bags, which is a lack of knowing about them, I never said hydraulic setups are shit.

I also think stacks are retarded.

why does everyone get so butthurt about what people think of their cars…it’s your car, do what you want

It was one of those things that was alright/somewhat cool until EVERYONE started doing it.

I wouldn’t say people are getting butthurt, just expressing how they feel and what their opinion is. Hell I could care less what people do to their cars and I certainly won’t tell someone not to do what they want. But that doesn’t mean I won’t like and tell them when they post it on a public (keyword) forum.

Usmc saw those hids last night pulling down the street. Fucking bright lol

Where at?

Wait are you the one who lives down the street from me? LOL

Yea 4 houses down haha

[quote=usmc2801;1014693]It was one of those things that was alright/somewhat cool until EVERYONE started doing it.

I still don’t mind seeing a nicely installed symetrical set of diesel trucks. The problem is a good set of 4" or 6" stacks and the install kit will run you about 600-800 bucks and they are a motherfuck to install correctly. When I did mine circa 2009 it took myself and 2 friends 3 hours of fucking around with the stacks to install them so I was happy with the fit.

Call me a truck fag but there is just something about the sound of a cummins with no mufflers and stacks… However stacks on a gasser or cobbled up stove pipe on anything is just awful.