Ten Car Mods That Make People Think You’re An Asshole

In my defense, my a-pillar boost gauge is from the factory and I have to pay extra to take it off.

…but why no fart can hate?? Man, I am getting old. :rofl


Would like a car that rides wheelies someday like that.

Would be fun for 5 minutes.

Functional pod gauges arnt bad. Having 10 of them all over the place on a stock civic is.

I had a full exhaust with a 4" fart can. But i rocked a silencer. Funniest car ive seen lately was a 08ish civic si with the APC fart can clamped on :facepalm


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W00T! I took that video in 11th grade lol.

^ our first date car! That was almost 7 years ago! His car selection has changed a bit since then!

you don’t bounce with air ride, you bounce with hydros.

he needs to build another car that bounces like that :shifty

Wayne is the fucking man.

Lol sweet video. Back when the lot was acceptable. I was there that night, didn’t know Wayne yet tho :sad

DUH!!! Rolling with his kitties and he’s hard as FUCK.

That was back when we used to go to the lot EVERY weekend and when it was fun! Never thought I’d say it, but I miss those days!!!

Pre Puerto Rican invasion the lot was alot of fun to go to on the weekends and I remember a few times coming home as the sun was coming up.

Now I dont even waste my time driving past it on the weekends.

Trust me its ALOTTA fun. Gas hopping down central ave at 40mph I think is the most fun you’ll ever have in a car. Until someone dies.

What killed lowriding for me was the entire culture associated with it. Shame.

As for stacks I would love a single stack on Jimmy, I love the loudness after all thats the entire point of straight pipe isn’t it? What kills it for me is the fact it ruins the bed in a permanent fashion. Sucks because I gotta roll with the windows down in the winter in jimmy so that i can hear that lovely detroit symphony. The closer I could get that to my ear the better. Next truck will have a hood stack!

It’s sad but true. I’ve always loved lowriders and you’re right, you’re instantly labeled as soon as you touch one.


I think every car guy/girl has a certain attachment to a paved parking lot at some point in their life. I’ve wasted a few hours of my life in parking lots before, I’ve made some good friends, lost some good friends, and made memories Ill never forget.

i know, like i said my thoughts as to why people hate on airbags is lack of knowledge/understanding what they do, i have nothing against airbags or hydraulics, i was only offering an opinion as to why other people hate on airbags.

Wayne was labeled as a Mexican, and now he’s working so hard on changing that label to redneck with all his Detroits

still dont know how i never ran into wayne back in the day

I used to see Wayne in the lot all the time back in the day, loved his hopper! Hell I don’t ever remember seeing you anywhere now that I think about it, what the hell were you doing hiding under your car?

Lolwut… i been around the lot longer than you brah.

reppin since 01’

must have been busy runnin’ on the extension. race warz