If you guys are going to try and tell me that I am full of shit, your going to get my direct opinion on the subject. I will make assumptions about specific people.
Lets get back on topic here boys. I took the turn at 50 in an 84 Pontiac Fiero, now thats a record.
Here is my direct opinion.
Downhill 140km/h constant speed through turns of Groat road is unreal unless you have a very serious machine and a single pic of a civic from a bottom angle does not qualify it capabilities whatsoever nor posting a link of a performance school you attended.
ps hitting 140 on the straight than slamming on your brakes for the corner does not mean you can take the whole thing at 140…
ps2 with all this trash talk, you better be putting 6-7 seconds on on the vehicle behind you on the necc day on aug 12 mr. race car driver.
If you want specific pictures ask for them. My car makes 170whp on a good day, and its FWD. I should be getting killed by the majority of the cars on this messageboard just based on those two facts.
wasnt that the chinese guy who drove around blairing BSB music all the time downtown? heh[/quote]
yellow wrx
name is jackie and is chinese
now i don’t know if it was jackie that was saying he did 125 or if it was my buddy nate just making up shit about his cousin[/quote]
Is the WRX, yellow, and has a little plaque by the stick that says the car is like #9 or 100 or something. If so, then I know that Jackie, really cool guy.
EDIT: read that it said yellow, ya its the same Jackie.
myself and my boss from work took his brand mew mustang down the groat one day and were running at a high rate of speed entering the first corner. higher than that… nope higher. any way, moral of storry, we did not crash… i drove his car to the limits of not carashing and while doing so made him screem like a little girl. ps not allowed to drive his car anymore.
POINT to argument above. niether of us had any time or desire to spend any of it looking at the speedo! if you going anywhere near the speed mentioned above and watching the speedo you would have crashed!
ok bring on the goofy challanges now im up for any of them.
i take the twilligar turn at 40…the posted limit
it piss’ everyone off :lol:
ha ha ha. I would bet in my winter beater, with its 4 miss matched getto tires… My top speed might be 45-50…
wasnt that the chinese guy who drove around blairing BSB music all the time downtown? heh[/quote]
yellow wrx
name is jackie and is chinese
now i don’t know if it was jackie that was saying he did 125 or if it was my buddy nate just making up shit about his cousin[/quote]
Is the WRX, yellow, and has a little plaque by the stick that says the car is like #9 or 100 or something. If so, then I know that Jackie, really cool guy.
EDIT: read that it said yellow, ya its the same Jackie.[/quote]
thats cool u know him
i havn’t talked to him in years like a long ass time haha
who metioned shit about drifting?..u do realize drifters become good at gripping before they get good at drifitng…anywho there are maybe 20% on this forum that acctually no how to drive and the statement made about groatat 140km/h obviously isnt a consistant speed so u fall into the 80%…and if u want i can meet u in my sonota and u can drive your civic… :partyman:
My E-penis is bigger than all of yours, so stop your bickering.
Case closed.