Tesla launches electric car production

Not a problem if it’s your toy, which was my point.

The future for electric cars is promising, with two big if’s.

  1. The car will need a tiny hybrid gas/diesel powerplant to charge the battery should it’s range be exceeded.

  2. We need a good cheap way to produce electricity. Without that you’re just shifting the CO emissions and fossil fuel usage from the single car to the big power plant. Wind is fun for the greenies to have parties about, but farms big enough to really put a dent in our national consumption would use a whole lot of land and create enough noise that they’d need a decent buffer zone around them. Solar has some real potential, especially with the recent breakthroughs using nana-technology, but currently the initial install is way too expensive for a reasonable ROI. More than likely our best option in the near future will be nuclear but with that you have get people past the fears.