Test Drive: 2006 VW GTI

Well as some of you know, i was offered by a hot sales rep from Northtown VW a $50 gas card, and one for my gf as well…as long as we just agreed to a test drive of any of their cars…no questions asked, no pressure to buy…blah blah blah…now, when she first approached us with this offer and her card at the auto show, i thought to myself this sounded too good to be true, right?


No sales pitch was even thrown…the chick was so cool…just said hi i remember you two…what do you want to drive? we each told her…and she pulled up in my 6 speed GTI first, and later on in Melissa’s auto TC…didn’t even ask for a license…just handed me the keys, and said “have fun, see ya in a little while”


We both did our test drives…both got our gift cards…and melissa set up an appointment to go back there tuesday next week for this chick to give her a lesson in driving stick…again, no questions asked, no pressure…

I could really get use to this getting paid to drive somebody else’s new cars around, and hard…

On to my review though…

Scion TC…meh…

VW GTI…i never thought i’d say this…but a really cool car…the price of $27K was ridiculous…but aside from that, i really enjoyed driving it. Brakes were almost too touchy…kinda didn’t like that…and didn’t like how the brake pedal was so high it was difficult to heel/toe…but interior styling was cool, engine sound was cool, and while it was somewhat laggy…i really like the lag…because when the turbo did finally spool, it reminded you it was there in a pleasant way…like “oh yeah…cool…”…without the lag, you might forget the car even was boosted…It was too wet out to really test the handling at all…but i’m very impressed with what i did get to beat out of it…definitely didn’t feel like just a 200HP car…

:tup: to VW for a fun car…

:tdown: to the price…

and oh yeah… :tup: to Northtown for taking that step to get potential customers through the door…it worked with myself and melissa…too bad i’m walking away from it with a fun time, $50, and a girlfriend that won’t have to learn to drive stick on my clutch…


a girlfriend that won’t have to learn to drive stick on my clutch…



lol and scion tc ftw :slight_smile:


and didn’t like how the brake pedal was so high it was difficult to heel/toe.


Man, you don’t even know what heel/toe’ing is ya jackass.


and melissa set up an appointment to go back there tuesday next week for this chick to give her a lesson in driving stick…again, no questions asked, no pressure…



I want a $50 gas card to go beat on some cars.

nice, how was the car?


nice, how was the car?


Braking: Great…a bit too touchy though, i wasn’t use to the pedal, it was very high…

Acceleration/Engine: Way better than i expected…somewhat laggy, but i liked the lag…made it more fun when it did finally boost. Even up through 5th gear it still had some perk to it… :tup: Finally…engine note was great. Not loud enough to overpower music if it’s on, but loud enough to let you know it’s there and it’s working for ya

Styling Exterior: A lot better in person than you see in the commercials, not perfect…but not ugly.

Styling Interior: Very roomy, pretty “hip” interior…really like the steering wheel…seats were VERY comfy.

Transmission: Wasn’t use to the 6 speed…gears felt really close together, and with such a short throw…i had trouble sometimes remembering what gear i was even in…seemed a bit clunky…but i got use to it after a bit…again though, not too bad

Like previously said…it was unfortunate that it started to rain while i was driving it, and there were a few cars out, so i didn’t really get to see how it handled the twisties…think i woulda been a bit too nervous to do so in a dealer car though…

All in all though, i would definitely rock one…never thought i’d say that about a VW or Audi…they’re just not my thing…

Luckily, the price was WAY more than the car is worth so i won’t want one. As fun as it was to drive…i think over $27K was the sticker on the one i was driving…if i was gonna spend that kinda money, it would be on a pre-owned EVO or STI, or maybe a new one and just pay a bit more monthly…

^ word, ive been wanting to throw one around, i took my focus through some twisties on the test drive with the salesman in the car lol. i wouldda done it. maybe ill go drive one just for the hell of it. o, and that lag…VWs have that goofy throttle by wire

test drive an sti ftw

they dont let you test drive sti’s i thought…just the wrx…


they dont let you test drive sti’s i thought…just the wrx…


Its hit and miss. I was able to take mine around the block.


they dont let you test drive sti’s i thought…just the wrx…


they let me test drive ?

also let my friend back in '04

27K that’s a lot? my sticker was 22,600. and i paid less than that.
the gti is a very legit car. I love mine. a quick reflash and it feels like you are driving an entirely new car performance wise.

Yeah, i thought they were only 22ish…

Maybe lessons on how to drive a standard are 5k…:slight_smile: