IMO it can only get better from here.
I see what you’re saying. To clarify, the other thread was closed because civicjim couldn’t think his way out of a wet paper bag and was too lazy to write at above a 5th grade level.
He and all other Obama critics are more than welcome to voice their criticism here so long as a modicum of intelligence and effort is used. I am actually hoping that both sides can discuss what just happened.
I myself cringed a bit when he proclaimed that the market will spin out of control without enough oversight. My thoughts are more that the WRONG oversight will knock a naturally self-stabilizing system out of balance. I believe that oversight is needed, but less and better oversight than the last 10ish years have brought.
What I did catch seemed hopeful. But, that is exactly what it is written to do.
I wish it were more of a contract than a speech. You can not please everyone all the time, and it seems as though he was trying ti hit everyone with his speech.
We will see what kind of man he is when he has to make decisions that will piss off thousands of people.
Well the bar isnt set too high for him. He has a range of things he can do just one and be an “amazing” president.
The list goes on.
Ding! He talks the talk, very well (as usual), now it’s time to get down to business and deliver.
I felt bad for Bush. Even MSNBC was commenting on the crowd’s “poor form” for booing him. I mean, come on, the guy gave his life to running the country to the best of his ability for the last 8 years. Let us bid him adeu with dignity. :picard:
Obama is inheriting the biggest shit-storm since FDR. If this thing can be turned around, I have confidence in the people he has picked to do so. It will take time, there’s no magic bullet, moreso a whole bunch of garden hoses on a forest fire, but the country is better off today than it was yesterday. Particularly for today’s youth, I’d like to think the precedent has been set for better days ahead, once we can get to work on this deficit. A government focused on education and science is a welcome change from one focused on war and “what god would do.”
I though it was great, the speech drew a lot from FDR and Kennedy, it seemed really down to earth.
I was wondering if there was going to be any fuck ups during the swear in, no big deal that both men screwed it up, they did have hundreds of millions watching, they are still human.
I think he will unite those that voted for him, and those that dislike him will find any and every fault. At least he has the media on his side.
I wonder what would happen if all the news sources stooped saying that the sky is falling
every 6 minutes. At the vary least It was nice to not hear how bad things are for a few minutes on TV.
As far as the Boo’s… Since when are Americans accused of having any class?
I don’t blame his skeptics. Someone’s got to balance out those who think he’s the black Jesus and don’t know why. Once the pipe burns out and the people who think he’s ushering in the Age of Aquarius realize that ain’t happening, the hardcore cynics will ease off too. Then we can all get to work.
I’m just not sure what “work” is. What can we do on an individual level to work towards the lofty goals he put forth? Hopefully that will become clear with time.
I can’t get over this idea that popped into my head during his speech. Something like his campaign, a grassroots organization that aligns local efforts with national goals. It would have a website that would make it quick and easy for individuals to find a worthwhile way to spend a free Saturday afternoon. Pushing math and science? Click here for an opportunity to help a kid with his science fair project. Want to improve world relations? Lets start at home. Organize a meet and greet or lunch and learn type of thing where us WASPs learn a little about what life is like as a Muslim, or Jew, or Hindu. I don’t know, but the gears are turning…
I just made my first post Obama change…
I went into our firewall here at work and blocked:
Amazing how much better the internet just started running. I’ll let them have it back tomorrow.
I wish him the best of luck since we are all involved in the future decisions that he makes. But it is irritating to keep hearing people praise him when he really hasn’t done anything but offer up promises of what he wants to do. I hope he is able to push through on some of his promises, but so many people have made him out to be the black messiah.
I hope the words have backing behind them.
In the locked topic, I asked why we had to spend $150 million (but now I am hearing $180 million) on his Inauguration. Sure, it is a tradition, but being the incoming president, he could have made the decision to keep the tradition but minimalize it / cut the cost in order to step up and save us the huge expenses that this inauguration brought.
And I heard on the radio and read in the paper that while the inauguration was going on, they were redoing a good amount of the interior of the White House. New paint, carpets, drapes, etc. WHY? Replacing the drapes with the exact same ones. Replacing chairs. Necessary? Recently in the news Patterson got a new rug in his mansion for $23,000. Necessary? Isn’t Obama in a position to say, keep the drapes, keep the furniture.
Just a rant, but aren’t we in some economic turmoil at the moment.
And just to clarify, if McCain was elected, I would ask the same thing if there was a grand Inauguration planned.
Thats kind of funny…
Hu, so you are on this site at work… I can see how you can justify that
We need a President…not a rockstar. The overwhelming popularity for doing nothing is a mechanism for failure.
People should be shot on sight for what they have made of the Presidency with this election. Obama 44 hats…Obama Lip Balm…Obama Bobble heads. Its pathetic and I hope he becomes the legend people have made him out to be or else the nation is in some serious trouble.
Don’t even get me started on the week long party Oprah keeps advertising…its ridiculous on more levels than I can name.
You think today is bad…4 years and counting. I guess we all get to find out together.
they didnt have volume at jims steakout or the bank drivethru
im a bad citizen
holy shit yea. I was thinking the same thing
I like the fact that he messed up sort of, it shows that he is more a regular person and isnt old, scripted, etc.
I couldnt believe all the people that were there.
…anxiously awaiting socialism.
i will not pour more thought into it then that. Let’s bring this thread back in 4 years and see how things have “changed”
“change for the better” and “change because it’s something different” are not the same “change”.
I good portion of that was/will be paid for by donations, last I heard there was over $50 million raised and that number is going up.
After such a horrible year for so many people, and for African Americans who have been waiting for this their entire lives to see. It would be irresponsible for us to allow Wall Street to destroy an event that could never be repeated.
America needed this. For many it was the accumulation of lifetime’s amount of work.
There were over 2 million reasons to have this event, and they were all present in Washington.
It’s all the people trying to watch video clips that are killing it today.
But yeah, I’m on here still. Advantage being an admin.