Thank You Buffalo POPO!

That story is nothing. Here is mine, ok i was at my brother’s stag party downtown near the strip, Chapawa (sorry my spelling of english is bad so don’t ask me to spell ny thing in Native American), and his buddy had done what most guys do in this situation, they got stripers. I wanted no part in the whole strippers, although they (my brother friends) tried pretty hard. At this point i went for a little walk and came back and there was a cop there. Now at this point I am nervous that someone ratted me out because i am under 21 so i do a few more times around the block. The cops where still there and so at this point i was like WTF im going back in. So as it turned out the Pimp, for lack of better turms, was double parked, he had a warrent on his butt and he had 3 bag of crack in the car. Now here is the best part, it was not even the BPD that got him it was a NFTA rent-a-cops that got him. So here we are standing around, the drunk people all except me, where chanting “Best stag ever.” Now in the back in the bathroom the two Hoes, who where uglier then sin I might add, where in the ladies room the one screaming “I’m just trying to pay my student loans!” the other one screamed “keep me away from the cops.” so at this point my jaw was like this:jawdrop: because you would have to be freaking brain died to double park when you know that you have a freaking warrent out for your arrest. So if any one is having a stag that you know then tell them not to use frisky kittens!