what not to do when you get pulled over...


hahahahaha. “she must be giving him some pussy or something”

It’s a shame how much the professionalism of a police officer has DROPPED off the face of the earth in the past 20 years.

If that was 2008, he would have been tazered and throw on the ground in 30 seconds.

Notice how they NEVER lost their cool or used any type or profanity…

Hahaha I should have watched the rest before I posted. This shit is hilarious. “Aw shit my license is already suspended.” HAHAH


“do you understand what i just read you?”
“HUH… hell mutha fuckin no i dont understand, i aint answerin no god dam questions”

I love how he admits to being drunk but they still make him do the test. Quality.

Edit when he did the balance test he looked like a booey floating in the water lol.

extra LOLs @ 1:50-1:55 and 2:55-3:05

you are a toolbox.


while it is a generalization, and I do understand that you represent that which is being criticized, it’s rather shortsighted to say we don’t see a gross exaggeration of the abuse of the law in present times.

I was pulled over last wednesday and after politely contesting a “no turn signal” bs ticket I was issued, the officer informed me that “if I didn’t like it he could make up some more bullshit to charge me with.”

just because you abide by the rules doesn’t mean there aren’t a ton of assholes out there who don’t.

sounded like an episode of the sapranos

you close your mutha fuckin eyes. sounds like a wasted Samual jackson

No i’m not. I’m correct.

And, if you ARE an officer then, WAHHHH you are in a career where tax payers pay your salary, get used to criticism.

I’m not saying ALL officers are like that, but a lot are, they are the faggots who got beat up in highschool and now that they have a badge they think they are the TOP SHIT.

either way, i LOLED hardcore

Are you still mad about not passing the physical test to become an Amherst cop? :roflpicard:

I want to know if he really was driving.

In general I agree with you. Who knows how they acted before the video started…

well, he says he was in the driver seat, but wasnt driving…lol. he had some girl in his lap steering, so i guess he’s not guilty. :lol:

If this is an accurate statement then shame on you OfficerK lol. That is the only part you have total control over.

annnddd that would be false

keep trying though :tup:
