Thanks To Fox News, Al Qaeda Has Targeted Navy SEAL Author

Earlier today, we posted about Fox News outing the name and location of the Navy SEAL involved in the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden – and who had written a book about his experiences under a pseudonym. Now we learn that websites affiliated with Al Qaeda have posted the man’s name and photo with calls for revenge. (h/t Think Progress)
NBC reports

Users on several militant Islamic websites affiliated with al-Qaida have posted the name and photo of a former Navy SEAL identified as the author of an upcoming book on the commando raid that killed Osama bin Laden. The posts called for his “destruction” in revenge for the al-Qaida founder’s killing.

NBC also reported that the Dutton, the publisher of the SEAL’s upcoming memoir asked news outlets not to report his name.
Ironically, Fox outed the SEAL’s identity and his location as part of its supposed concern for spilling national security secrets.
Because nothing says “concern for national security” like painting a virtual target on the back of a SEAL who helped assassinate one of our country’s biggest enemies.

Good job NEWS :rofl


the little blurp i saw about it said that he was telling a story much different then we heard in the media (regarding the raid).

anyone know what thats all about?

whichever moron gave clearance to air that should be tried for treason.

Calling for his “destruction” on a website and actually being able to do something about it are two vastly different things. I’m sure the former Navy SEAL would love to have some “visiotrs” to his home post retirement. Gotta keep the skills sharp.

/\ yeah then he would go to jail for defending himself.

how ironic would that shit be

fucking press in this country is such an epic fail. every week it seems the shit pot get stirred with a shit stick and nothing but shitscapades come out of it.

Agreed. The press is supposed to report the news not create it.

vov is like my super hippy liberal gov’t teacher in high school. Yes, I’m sure fox news was solely the reason a multi national highly funded terrorist organization now knows who wrote this book. Jesus Christ take the fucking blinders off it gets old.

agreed… plays and trys to act middle, but is hard left

truely makes me question his motives, but more important, his intelligence

yup said that

They say Liberalism is a mental disorder and his posts clearly prove that to be correct.


If you write a book about it, I don’t think the news is fully to blame.

I would even venture to say they are not to blame at all.

In Vlads world, blame goes toward capitalism always…and fox, and conservatives…

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Jammer again.

has anyone else gotten the book yet? it came in the mail yesterday for me but i got to finish my current book before reading this one.

I want to but I just started school again. Can you post the cliff notes after you read it please.

Dont need to read a book. I was on the USS Carl Vinson during that.

i will but don’t expect it anytime soon, i have another 300 pages of the book i’m reading and i don’t read a ton/quickly.
