thanks to morgan & synapse...

had the torn IC to TB coupler… picked up the new coupler from fred @ capitaland subaru and swung over to synapse quick.
asked morgan if he could gimme a hand putting it in as im having some issues with wrenching still fron the fucked up wrist/surgery and all. pulled the car into the bay, took off the old clamps and cut off the coupler, put the new coupler on and he set me up with some t-bolts to keep her from leaking like it was with the gay ass worm clamps i had on there… charged me $10 total… HUGE help… turned around and drove home and tested her out… apparently there WAS a leak there even without the torn coupler because i had to dial back the boost controller 3-4psi as i was hitting boost cut now. now shes rock solid @ 22-23psi and wanted to step the ass end out when it spooled on the wet pavement.

just wanted to say thanks again for the help from morgan/paul on gettin me set up and running right again.

good to hear, now put a clutch in that car.

So does that mean your ready to run again?? :crackup


sweet man!

The guys always go through for the community :thumb

Everytime I read about Travis in the car, he makes it seem like the clutch is perfect. But when he races, the clutch is shot beyond belief.


here weee goooo againnnn

don’t let them fool you, that was just so you’d come back with your bank book!! :lol


We know how Travis rolls :tong


ROFL! i was trying to be nice. But srsly… kinda kidding.


hey hey now… not really much i need for the car… already built and tuned… only thing it NEEDS is a clutch… and if i sell her i wont have to buy that… new exhaust to come in a month or so…

If you sell her you won’t need a clutch, but you have a new exhaust coming next month or so, which would mean you’d need a retune? :confused good game plan. :lol

Clutch always comes before exhaust :nod

car was tuned for a 3" catback… had a 3" on it when it was tuned… wouldnt need a retune.


Why would you buy more performance parts when your clutch is already fucked?

I asked this same question two months ago… :lol :lol.

I’m including the quote I used in my post two months ago because none of it turned out to be true.

You tune fuel not a catback… Does the STi world tune based on exhaust mods? :confused

it was tuned to 11.2:1 afr… this was achieved with a 3" catback on the car… it now has a MUCH more restrictive 2.5" catback on the car… PROBABLY causing it to run richer.

That makes no sense to me at all. It’s Friday so maybe I am missing something.

Does the STi use a MAF to measure incoming air? If so, during WOT operation, it should measure right there and apply fuel based on its internal fuel tables and assign an IDC accordingly or something similiar to that.

I am not sure why it would take into consideration ANYTHING exhaust related…

I tune my car based on fuel (injectors/fuel pressure/fuel supply/etc…). After changing from stock turbos to 15Gs to 16Gs and no other fuel changes occured, I made no changes at all. AFR stayed the same. The same reason why my AFR stays the same as I increase boost. I might make other changes such as timing when I increase the boost to be more safe but everything pretty much stays inline…

The Maf handles shit like weather/baro/different amounts of air molecules based on the turbos compressor map/etc…