travs clutch

is done its installed ;D…no more exscuses

he will break before tomorrow.

did you do donuts to make sure it works? and pics of the old one

yah, pics of the old one.

+1 lets see the carnage!.. or lack there of!

you said you would post pics…where are they!

haah cant wait to see it

cam wont interface wit comp but not as bad as i thought it to be but it was at rivets and flywheel is at the min alowable use but it holds real well and it will chirp all 4 on a good launch but the old clutch was wasted …new one wasnt much better but it holds ;D

for a few weeks… so the flywheel was the cooked, and to clean it up the machining took it to minimum cut depth? thats pretty BEAT

yes sir smokinss has pics

BTW travis, to make sure it held up…we saw how it stood against the SS with the new clutch…didnt help ya any!

My clutch was alot worse and it took out the flywheel. Mine wasnt drivable at all though. It didnt move.

Well when I went to park Automotive, I found parts of Travis’ car right where they should be…

thats a good place for it :wow

that new s2000 could be there to nick


I feel bad for anyone that gets that car after he unloads it.

So travis still think you can hang with me? a little birdy told me you said you were right with me :nana

shhhhhhh dont tell anyone :ninja let trav see for himself…but the new clutch does grab a hell of a lot more no slip no matter how hard ya get on it

even with a 6500rpm launch?